What is cx_Freeze?

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts
into executables, in much the same way that py2exe and py2app do.
Unlike these two tools, cx_Freeze is cross platform and should work on
any platform that Python itself works on. It supports Python 2.3 or
higher, including Python 3.

Where do I get it?


What's new?

The release notes can be read here as well:


1) Added options to build Mac OS X application bundles and DMG
packages using bdist_mac and bdist_dmg distutils commands. Written by
Rob Reilink.

2) The documentation is now using Sphinx, and is available on ReadTheDocs.org.

3) Added support for Python 3.3 which uses a different compiled file
format than earlier versions of Python.

4) Added support for Windows services which start automatically and
which are capable of monitoring changes in sessions such as lock and

5) New cxfreeze-quickstart wizard to create a basic setup.py file.
Initially written by Thomas Kluyver.

6) Included files under their original name can now be passed to
include_files as a tuple with an empty second element. Written by

7) File inclusions/exclusions can now be specified using a full path,
or a shared library name with a version number suffix.

Bugs fixed:

1) Messagebox display of certain errors in Windows GUI applications
with Python 3. (Issue 3486872)

2) Running Windows GUI applications in a path containing non-ASCII characters.

3) Calculate the correct filename for the Python shared library in
Python 3.2. (Issue 3411270)

4) Including a package would not include the packages within that
package, only the modules within that package. (Issue #3)

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