[image: Akiban]
*Upcoming Webinar:*
"SQLAlchemy Creator Mike Bayer on How and Why to Integrate Akiban and

Hi guys,

I wanted to take a minute and invite you and the Python user group to our
next free webinar on SQLAchemy:
Presented by: Mike Bayer, Creator of SQLAchemy,Ori Herrnstadt, Creator of
Akiban Date:  Thursday, December 13, 2012[image: Register
 2:30 pm ET / 11:30 am PT

*SQLAlchemy + Akiban: A very interesting combo*

What good is a database if you can’t use it with the language or framework
you depend on? From a developer’s perspective, not very. Even though Akiban
understands SQL, developers often work at higher level with
Object-Relational Mappers (ORM) like Hibernate, SQLAlchemy, or
ActiveRecord. Very few developers operate on pure SQL these days.

Clearly, we’ve been thinking about this question at Akiban. As we’ve been
developing our new database we’ve taken time to work closely with open
source developers like Mike Bayer, creator of the SQLAlchemy project, to
make sure that developers have access to libraries that understand the
Akiban database.

Akiban's unique storage approach means that not only does SQL run a lot
faster because most joins are free, but also it is possible to access a
full object directly within the database. Through the use of Akiban,
businesses can quickly implement new services such as real-time dynamic
search, social-local-mobile applications, relationship discovery and
real-time insight. Akiban enables immediate access to your operational data
without negatively impacting operational performance. This also eliminates
the Extract-Transform-Load effort and time delay to transfer operational
data into a data mart or data warehouse.

SQLAlchemy is the first ORM we’ve approached about table grouping, our
novel approach to storing data and returning nested result sets in JSON. As
Bayer explains, while other databases have provided a JSON view of a
relational database, Akiban’s unique approach is at a much deeper level.
We’re not just returning data as JSON, we’ve decided to store our data in a
hierarchical format on disk. It didn’t take Bayer long to adapt SQLAlchemy
to these nested results, nor did it take long to write an extension to
psyopg2 that could understand the output of a query that involved table

What you'll take away from this webinar:

   - Brief intro to Akiban.
   - Snapshot of SQLAlchemy 0.8, new features and additions.
   - Example of how easy it is to execute a query that returns a nested
   resultset in Python using SQLAlchemy.
   - Overview of two recently developed projects:

   1. *Akiban for Python* - an extension for the psycopg2 DBAPI.
   2. *SQLAlchemy Akiban* - an Akiban dialect and ORM extension for

Duration: 1 hour


Hope to see you there.

Akiban Team

*P.S.* If you are unable to make it to the live webinar, register
and we'll share the recording after the event.

*Akiban* 560 Harrison Avenue, Suite 411 Boston, MA 02445 United States of
Contact Us <http://info.akiban.com/contact-us.html>

Robert Riegel @akiban <https://twitter.com/#!/akiban>
skype: robert.c.riegel.III | 617-826-9990

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