
We are pleased to announce the availability of pytest-django 2.0.0. This 
release is rewritten to make use of fixture API introduced in py.test 2.3, 
which fixes a lot of bugs and edge cases in previous releases. Get it directly 
from PyPI or install with pip:

   pip install -U pytest-django

pytest is an innovative testing tool for Python programs. pytest-django is a 
plugin that provides Django integration and helpers. Improvements over Django's 
standard test runner includes test database re-use, easier selection of running 
a subset of test cases. Existing test suites based on Django's own test runner 
should be compatible out of the box.

Documentation & how to get started:

Full changelog:

Report bugs here:

py.test documentation:

We aim to make testing Django applications as easy as possible: Please submit 
suggestions and ideas in the issue tracker!

Best regards
Andreas Pelme


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