
Wingware is a Gold Sponsor at PyCon 2013 and we have three conference passes that we are looking to give away. The conference is completely sold out, and these passes are a hot commodity, so we thought we would have some fun with this, rather than just offering them on a first-come-first-served basis as we usually do. Here is the deal:

To apply for a free pass, in five paragraphs or less, tell us about ONE of the following:

1) How and why you use Wing IDE, and what it has allowed you to do that you could not have done without it. 2) How and why you use Python, where it shines, and how it has inspired and empowered you. 3) Tell us something really interesting, funny, or inspiring that you have worked on or experienced as a programmer, or just as a human.

The authors of three best entries will be given the free PyCon 2013 passes. Submissions must be emailed to sa...@wingware.com by 11:59pm PST Friday February 22nd and we will choose the three winners over the following weekend.

Here's the catch: You must be willing to allow us to use the text that you submit on our website and/or blog. We hope to publish the winning entries on our blog, but reserve the right not to, depending on the content of the entries. ;-)

Please be sure to check the feasibility of traveling to the conference before applying. We are offering only the conference passes and not any travel or lodging expenses.



Stephan Deibel
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development



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