
We are happy to announce the release of version 4.3 of the Enthought Tool
Suite (ETS-4.3.0).

ETS (http://code.enthought.com/projects) is a collection of free,
open-source components developed by Enthought and our partners, which we
use every day to construct custom scientific applications. ETS includes a
wide variety of components, including:

   - an extensible application framework
   - application building blocks
   - 2-D and 3-D graphics libraries
   - scientific and math libraries
   - developer tools

This release features some important improvements:

   - NEW: Casuarius (Cython binding for Cassowary) supports
   constraints-based layout in Enaml, and soon in Enable. Cassowary is an
   incremental constraint-solving toolkit, which efficiently solves systems of
   linear equalities and inequalities.
   - Mayavi now fully supports the Qt backend.  The Volume module is now
   usable with the Qt backend.  This also means that Mayavi can be used on Mac
   OS X 64-bit using the Qt backend.
   - Chaco has added space-saving horizon plots, and improvements to many
   plots and tools.
   - Pyface has added and improved many UI components.
   - Enaml 0.6 has made extensive API changes and performance enhancements,
   and added many features, including new and improved widgets, embedded
   matplotlib and traitsui, and enhanced layout flow. However it is still
   under heavy development, and its API will continue to change in
   backward-incompatible ways. Use at your own risk.
   - Bug fixes to all packages.
   - Improvements to documentation and examples.

The recommended way to get the ETS packages is to use Enthought
Canopy<https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/> (formerly
EPD). They are also available on PyPI, and the source code is on github.

ETS Developers.

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