Advanced Python

What: Advanced Python - Who is afraid of metaclasses?
When: July 6 - 7, 2013
Where: at EuroPython 2013, Florence, Italy
Instructor: Mike Müller (eight years of Python training experience)

You have intermediate Python skills and would like learn more about:

* Comprehensions
* Decorators
* Context managers
* Descriptors
* Metaclasses and
* Patterns?

Than you should attend this two-day training that provides a systematic
coverage of these topics. Useful code samples and exercises provide
hands-on learning.

We offered this training at EuroPython 2012 and PyConPL 2012 and got
very good feedback. Many of the participants understood much more of
the complex topics than they anticipated.

Our next courses:

30.05.-01.06.2013 (Katowice, Poland) Advanced Python Course (English)
03.06.-05.06.2013 (Leipzig) Einstieg in Django (German)
06.06.-08.06.2013 (Leipzig) Django für Fortgeschrittene (German)
10.06.-12.06.2013 (Leipzig) Python for Scientists and Engineers (English)
13.06.2013 (Leipzig) Fast Code with the Cython Compiler (English)
14.06.2013 (Leipzig) Fast NumPy Processing with Cython (English)
24.06.-26.06.2013 (Leipzig) Professional Testing with pytest and tox (English)
02.07.2013 (Florence, Italy) Optimization at EuroPython (English)
06.07.-07.07.2013 (Florence, Italy) Advanced Python at EuroPython (English)
09.09.-11.09.2013 (Leipzig) Twisted Training (English)
11.09.-13.09.2013 (Bologna, Italy) Python per programmatori (Italian)
12.09.-13.09.2013 (Leipzig) Content-Management mit Plone (German)
11.11.-13.11.2013 (Leipzig) Introduction to Django (English)
14.11.-16.11.2013 (Leipzig) Advanced Django (English)
30.09.-02.10.2013 (Katowice, Poland) Python for Programmers (English)
03.10.-03.10.2013 (Katowice, Poland) Advanced Python Course (English)

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