I welcome your evaluation and remarks about the following Tech. Documentation 
of Eric advanced Python IDE, as available at URL:  

See, in particular:  
 – "Eric Python 3 (and 2) IDE"  (S-PM 130700, Creative Commons License) 
 – "Mercurial Version Control of Eric Projects"  (S-PM 140524, Creative Commons 

Original aspects of such documentation:  
 – It is based upon actual and thorough use-Tests, carried on in fair 
collaboration with the producer, but nevertheless in total independence from 
 – Consequent Tech. Documentation is written strictly from the user's point of 
view (that is:  not the product designer's); encountered difficulties, oddities 
and bugs included. 

Thanks for your time. 
 - P.M. [ Studio-PM <at> hotmail <dot> com ]


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