Hi all,

I'm very happy to announce the release of Sphinx 1.3 available on the
Python package index at <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx>.

It includes about 50 features, several incompatible changes and
fixes a lot of bugs/buglets from the 1.2.3 version of Sphinx.

What's new in 1.3 (very short version)?

- Drop Python 2.5, 3.1, 3.2 support
- Add Python 3.4 support
- Drop docutils 0.10 or older support
- Add docutils 0.12 support
- Remove sphinx.ext.oldcmarkup extension
- Rename Sphinx "default" theme into "classic"
- Add Extensions: sphinx.ext.napoleon
- Add Themes: alabaster (new default), sphinx_rtd_theme, bizstyle
- Add Builders: applehelp
- Add numfig feature that numbering figure, table and code-block
- Add any role that can be used to find a cross-reference of any type
in any domain
- Add :caption: for toctree, code-block and literalinclude
- Add sphinx-quickstart command line options and non-wizard mode
- Add stemming support for 14 languages
- Improvement of i18n: auto mo compile, uid calc is disabled by
default, more translatable targets
- Improvement of parallel building

For the full changelog, go to <http://sphinx-doc.org/changes.html>.
Thanks to all coraborators and contributers!

What is it?

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful
documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of
multiple reStructuredText source files).

Website: http://sphinx-doc.org/
IRC: #sphinx-doc on irc.freenode.net


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