Eventlet is a concurrent networking library for Python that allows you to 
change how you run your code, not how you write it. 


First attempt at 2015-02-23, it's 4th bug fix release in 0.17 series.

Featuring full Python3 and IPv6 support! Thanks to everyone involved. I'm 
already using Python3 for all my new projects and glad to report another 
important library is available.

Also, Github https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/ is now main official 
repository and Bitbucket is eventually consistent mirror.

* ssl: incorrect initalization of default context; Thanks to stuart-mclaren
* green.thread: Python3.3+ fixes; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* Semaphore.acquire() accepts timeout=-1; Thanks to Victor Stinner
* wsgi: Provide python logging compatibility; Thanks to Sean Dague
* greendns: fix premature connection closing in DNS proxy; Thanks to Tim Simmons
* greenio: correct fd close; Thanks to Antonio Cuni and Victor Sergeyev
* green.ssl: HTTPS client Python 2.7.9+ compatibility
* setup: tests.{isolated,manual} polluted top-level packages
* greendns: fix dns.name import and Python3 compatibility
* Full Python3 compatibility; Thanks to Jakub Stasiak
* greendns: IPv6 support, improved handling of /etc/hosts; Thanks to Floris 
* tpool: make sure we return results during killall; Thanks to David Szotten
* semaphore: Don't hog a semaphore if someone else is waiting for it; Thanks to 
Shaun Stanworth
* green.socket: create_connection() was wrapping all exceptions in 
socket.error; Thanks to Donagh McCabe
* Make sure SSL retries are done using the exact same data buffer; Thanks to 
Lior Neudorfer
* greenio: shutdown already closed sockets without error; Thanks to David 

Our website: http://eventlet.net/ 
Direct package download links:

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