Hi Pythoners,

PyCon HK will be hosted on 7-8 November (Sat-Sun) at Hong Kong Cyberport,
Hong Kong.

In 2-day PyCon HK, we will have keynotes and talks on Day 1, and workshops
and development sprints on Day 2.

We are now calling for proposals (CFP) (talks, workshops, development
sprints) till 8/16.

Early-Bird Tickets are now on sales at HK$200 (about US$26), and regular
tickets are HK$300 (about US$39). We are now also calling for sponsors
(CFS) as well.

PyCon HK 2015 website: http://2015.pycon.hk

Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
President, Open Source Hong Kong.

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