On behalf of the Nikola team, I am pleased to announce the immediate
availability of Nikola v7.8.2. It adds a ton of new features, while
also fixing some bugs.

Key Changes

* A rewrite of all taxonomies (tags, categories, sections, etc.) in a
  generic fashion, allowing for much greater flexibility (by Felix
  Fontein) — adds new settings, enables new features
  (``CREATE_ARCHIVE_NAVIGATION``) and customizability
* Automatic cration of ``year/month/day`` directory structures
* Ability to sort posts from within templates (``sort_posts``)
* API changes for post compilers (new ``compile``, ``compile_string``
* Addition of a generator meta tag to default themes — we hope you do
  not mind a bit of promotion for Nikola?

What is Nikola?

Nikola is a static site and blog generator, written in Python.
It can use Mako and Jinja2 templates, and input in many popular markup
formats, such as reStructuredText and Markdown — and can even turn
Jupyter (IPython) Notebooks into blog posts! It also supports image
galleries, and is multilingual. Nikola is flexible, and page builds
are extremely fast, courtesy of doit (which is rebuilding only what
has been changed).

Find out more at the website: https://getnikola.com/


Install using `pip install Nikola` or download tarballs on GitHub and PyPI:



**Minor API change:** The ``compile_string`` compiler method (partially
internal) now takes a post argument and returns between two and four
values, adding ``shortcode_deps`` and shortcode support. See issues
#2623 and #2624.


* Add meta generator tag to default templates to promote Nikola
  (Issue #2619)
* Add ``nikola new_post -d`` and ``NEW_POST_DATE_PATH`` to allow
  automatic creation of year/month/day (date-based) directory
  structures (Issue #2513)
* Allow enabling pretty URLs with per-post setting (Issue #2613)
* Add a ``sort_posts`` function (available as Jinja filter in global
  context), which allows general-purpose timeline sorting (Issue
* Allow creating archive navigation (Issue #1639)
* Accept a ``page`` argument for taxonomy paths (Issue #2585)
* Query strings in magic links are passed as keyword arguments to path
  handlers (via Issue #2580)
* Accept arbitrary arguments to path handlers (via Issue #2580)
* Added new ``typogrify_oldschool`` filter (Issue #2574)
* Improving handling of .dep files, and allowing compilers to specify
  additional targets for the ``render_posts`` task (Issue #2536)
* ``render_template`` and ``generic_renderer`` can now create HTML
* Allow posts to set custom ``URL_TYPE`` by using the ``url_type``
  meta tag (useful for HTML fragments inserted using JavaScript)
* Plugins can depend on other plugins being installed (Issue #2533)
* The destination folder in ``POSTS`` and ``PAGES`` can now be
  translated (Issue #2116)
* Pass ``post`` object and ``lang`` to post compilers (Issue #2531)
* Pass ``url_type`` into template's context.
* Make thumbnail naming configurable with ``IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FORMAT``.
* There is a new plugin category ``Taxonomy`` which allows to easily
  create new taxonomies. All of the existing taxonomies (authors,
  archives, indexes, page index, sections, tags, and categories)
  have been converted to the new system. (Issue #2107)
* Added ``CATEGORIES_INDEX_PATH``, similar to ``TAGS_INDEX_PATH``.
  (Issue #2567)
* Made ``INDEX_PATH``, ``RSS_PATH`` and ``AUTHOR_PATH`` translatable.
  (Issue #1914)
* Added setting ``SHOW_INDEX_PAGE_NAVIGATION`` which enables a basic
  page navigation for indexes. (Issue #2299)
  ``DISABLE_INDEXES_PLUGIN_RSS_FEED`` to disable specific parts of
  the ``classify_indexes`` taxonomy plugin. (Issue #2591)


* Work around conflicts between posts and sections trying to render
  index.html files (via Issue #2613)
* Make ``AUTHOR_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES`` really work (Issue #2600)
* WordPress importer now correctly handles & etc. in tags.
  (Issue #2557)
* If ``CODE_COLOR_SCHEME`` is empty, don’t generate ``code.css``
  (Issue #2597)
* Don’t warn about ``nikolademo`` DISQUS account when comments are
  disabled (Issue #2588)
* Make ``data`` from global context available to templated shortcodes
  as ``global_data`` (Issue #2488)
* Don't crash if plugins is a file (Issue #2539)
* Don't mangle bare ``#`` links (Issue #2553)
* ``generic_index_renderer`` now always produces output. It previously
  did not when the post list was empty and ``INDEXES_STATIC == False``.
  (via Issue #2579)

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