A new package, Tkintertoy 1.1.0

Python instructors, are you looking for a package that will quickly move
your students from the command line to GUIs? Tkintertoy, a light-weight GUI
library built upon Tkinter and Ttk, should help. Using a few lines of code,
your students will be introduced into the world of widgets and event-driven
programming with a minimum of pain. However, Tkintertoy allows advanced
students to explore complex features of Tkinter and Ttk when they are
ready. It should run on any platform with Tkinter and Ttk installed.

Installation: pip install tkintertoy
License: MIT
Email: mca...@twc.com


Home Page: https://github.com/mcalla314/tkintertoy/
           The docs/slides folder will contain a series of slideshows that
introduce Python
           and Tkintertoy in the creation of simple but complete

Documentation: https://tkintertoy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
           Includes a reference and tutorial.

Download: https://pypi.org/project/tkintertoy/


Mike Callahan

<P><A HREF="https://www.github.com/mcalla314/tkintertoy/";>Tkintertoy
1.1.0</A> - A light-weight package for creating simple GUIs built on
Tkinter and Ttk. (3-May-19)</P>

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