Our program work group (WG) has been working hard over the weekend to
select the sessions for EuroPython 2019.

          * https://ep2019.europython.eu/events/sessions/ *

We’re now happy to announce the first batch with:

- 112 talks,
- 12 trainings,
- 6 posters,
- 1 interactive session and
- 5 helpdesks

brought to you by 129 speakers:

          * https://ep2019.europython.eu/events/speakers/ *

More advanced talks than in previous EuroPython editions

We are glad that the Python community has heard our call to submit
more advanced talks this year. This will make EuroPython 2019 even
more interesting than our previous editions.

Waiting List

Some talks are still in the waiting list. We will inform all speakers
who have submitted talks about the selection status by email.

PyData EuroPython 2019

As in previous years, we will have lots of PyData talks and trainings:

- 4 trainings on Monday and Tuesday (July 8-9)
- 34 talks on Wednesday and Thursday (July 10-11)
- no PyData talks on Friday (July 12)

Full Schedule

The full schedule will be available early in June.

Training Tickets & Combined Tickets

If you want to attend the trainings offered on the training days (July
8-9), please head over to the registration page in the next couple of
days. Sales are going strong and we only have 300 tickets available.

Combined tickets are new this year and allow attending both training
and conference days with a single ticket.

Dates and Venues

EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (BCC) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri)
and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days
(Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

Tickets can be purchased on our registration page:


For more details, please have a look at our website and the FAQ:


Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:




EuroPython 2019 Team


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