Juan Luis Cano,

When will poliastro ver. 0.13.0 become available from Anaconda? At the time of this note, only ver. 0.12.0 is available.

Lastly what is the recommended procedure to update poliastro from vers. 0.12.0 to 0.13.0?

Sam Dupree

On August/05/2019 16:48:37, Juan Luis Cano wrote:
Hi all,

It fills us with astronomical joy to announce the release of poliastro
0.13.0! 🚀

poliastro is a pure Python library that allows you to simulate and
analyze interplanetary orbits in a Jupyter notebook in an interactive
and easy way, used in academia and the industry by people from all
around the world. You can install it using pip or conda:

conda install poliastro --channel conda-forge
pip install poliastro

This major release is packed with new features, especially the new CZML
exporting capabilities and miscellaneous additions and important fixes
on the algorithmic side. It also sets a new high in terms of
contributors, which makes us extremely proud and thankful!

You can read the full release notes in the documentation:


If you want to know more, don't miss my talk on the Open Source Cubesat
Worshop held at the European Space Operations Centre in 2017:


Please join our chat on Matrix/Riot and feel free to ask any questions
you might have:


Per Python ad astra!

Juan Luis Cano

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