I'm proud to release version 2.0.0alpha0 of the Roundup issue tracker
which has been possible due to the help of several contributors. This
release contains some major changes, so make sure to read
<http://www.roundup-tracker.org/dev-docs/upgrading.html>`_ to bring
your tracker up to date. The changes, as usual, include some new
features and many bug fixes.

You can download it with:

   pip download roundup==2.0.0alpha0

then unpack and test/install the tarball.

Among the notable improvements are:

   Roundup is multilingual and will run under either Python 3 or
   Python 2. If you want to use Python 3, you *must read* the Python 3
   Support section in the upgrading doc. Depending on the database
   backend you may have to export/import the tracker. Also you will
   need to make sure your tracker's Python code is Python 3
   compliant. Thanks to Joseph Myers with help from Christof Meerwald.

   Roundup has a rest API to go along with the existing xmlrpc
   API. See doc/rest.txt for details on configuring, authorizing
   access (per role) and making a request. Thanks to Ralf
   Schlatterbeck who integrated and updated Chau Nguyen's GSOC code.
   PGP encryption is now done using the gpg module and not the
   obsolete pyme library. Thanks to Christof Meerwald.

   Use of mod_python is deprecated. Apache mod_wsgi documentation
   has been updated along with gunicorn and uwsgi and is the
   preferred mechanism.
The file CHANGES.txt has a detailed list of feature additions and bug
fixes. The most recent changes from there are at the end of this
announcement.  Also see the information in doc/upgrading.txt.

How You Can Help

We are looking for one or two front end developers to kick the tires
on the rest interface. The rest interface is available by running
demo.py as described below. If you are interested in helping please
contact "rouilj+rit at ieee.org".

The Zope deployment mode has not had any testing under Python 3. We
are looking for community involvement to help get this deployment
mode validated. It may also have issues under Python 2. If you are
interested in helping with this please see:

Email input using POP and IMAP modes need testing under Python 3
and Python 2.

We have new documentation for deploying with apache and mod_wsgi. It
needs testing and enhancement.

There are other documentation issues at:


If you find bugs, please report them to issues AT roundup-tracker.org
or create an account at https://issues.roundup-tracker.org and open a
new ticket. If you have patches to fix the issues they can be attached
to the email or uploaded to the tracker.


If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow
all the "Software Upgrade" guidelines given in the doc/upgrading.txt

Roundup requires Python 2 newer than version 2.7.2 or Python 3 newer
than or equal to version 3.4 for correct operation.

The wsgi, server and cgi web deployment modes are the ones with the
most testing.

To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run::

    python demo.py

Release info and download page:
Source and documentation is available at the website:
Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:

About Roundup

Roundup is a simple-to-use and install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design
from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design competition.

Note: Ping is not responsible for this project. The contact for this
project is rich...@users.sourceforge.net.

Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as
"description", "priority", and so on) and provides the ability to:

(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues, and
(c) discuss issues with other participants.

The system facilitates communication among the participants by managing
discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of
the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup
is therefore usable "out of the box" with any Python 2.7.2+ (or 3.4+)
installation. It doesn't even need to be "installed" to be operational,
though an install script is provided.

It comes with five issue tracker templates

* a classic bug/feature tracker
* a more extensive devel tracker for bug/features etc.
* a responsive version of the devel tracker
* a jinja2 version of the devel template (work in progress)
* a minimal skeleton

and supports four database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, mysql and postgresql).

Recent Changes


- issue2550901: add search page to jinja2 template (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550982: use PBKDF2 in Python's hashlib, if available (Python
  2.7.8+), to improve performance over bundled pure Python
  version. Note that acceleration via m2crypto is no longer supported
  (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550989: PGP encryption is now done using the gpg module
  instead of pyme. (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550987: Use updated MySQL client module that supports Python
  3. (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550967: the jinja2 loader has been extended to look for .xml
  files as well as .html files similar to the TAL loader. (Christof
- Support for Python 3 (3.4 and later).  See doc/upgrading.txt for
  details of what is required to move an existing tracker from Python
  2 to Python 3 (Joseph Myers, Christof Meerwald)
- Merge the Google Summer of Code Project of 2015, the implementation of
  a REST-API for Roundup. This was implemented by Chau Nguyen under the
  supervision of Ezio Melotti. Some additions were made, most notably we
  never destroy an object in the database but retire them with the
  DELETE method. We also don't allow to DELETE a whole class. Python3
  support was also fixed and we have cherry-picked two patches from the
  bugs.python.org branch in the files affected by the REST-API changes.
- Patch to client.py and roundup-server needed by REST-API
  code. Support OPTIONS verb and prevent hangs when processing a verb
  other than GET that doesn't have a payload. E.G. DELETE, PATCH or
  OPTIONS. Verbs like PUT and POST usually have payloads, so this
  patch doesn't touch processing of these methods. (John Rouillard)
- Patches to new rest code:
   - Generated links in responses should use the base url specified
     in config.ini.
   - allow user (e.g. in browser) to override response type/Accept
     header using extension in url. E.G. .../issues.json. This fixes
     the existing code so it works.
   - fix SECURITY issue. Retrieving the item of a class
     (e.g. /rest/data/user/2) would display properties the user wasn't
     allowed to access. Note that unlike the web interface,  passwords
     and roles for users are still retreivable if the user has access
     rights to the properties.
   - ETags are sent by GET operations and required for DELETE, PUT and
     PATCH operations. ETag can be supplied by HTTP header or in the
     payload by adding the field @etag to the form with the value of
     the etag.
   - If dict2xml.py is installed, the rest interface can produce an XML
     format response if the accept header is set to text/xml.
     (See: https://pypi.org/project/dict2xml/)
   - When retrieving collection move list of collection elements to
     collection property. Add @links property with self, next and prev
     links (where needed). Add @total_size with size of entire
     collection (unpaginated). Pagination index starts at 1 not 0.
   - accept content-type application/json payload for PUT, PATCH, POST
     requests in addition to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  (John Rouillard)
- issue2550833: the export_csv web action now returns labels/names
  rather than id's. Replace calls to export_csv with the export_csv_id
  action to return the same data as the old export_csv action. (Tom
  Ekberg (tekberg), Andreas (anrounham14) edited/applied and tests
  created by John Rouillard)
- issue2551018: Add new note_filter parameter to nosymessage. The
  function supplied by this parameter can rewrite the body of the
  nosymessage before it gets sent. See issue:
  https://issues.roundup-tracker.org/issue2551018 for example
  nosyreaction and generated email. (Tom Ekberg (tekberg))
- issue2550949: Rate limit password guesses/login attempts.  Rate
  limit mechanism added for web page logins. Default is 3 login
  attempts/minute for a user. After which one login attempt every 20
  seconds can be done. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551043: Add X-Roundup-issue-id email header. Add a new header
  to make it easier to filter notification emails without having to
  parse the subject line. (John Rouillard)
- The database filter method now can also do an exact string search.
- The database filter method now has limit and offset parameters that
  map to the corresponding parameters of SQL.
- issue2551061: Add rudimentary experimental support for JSON Web
  Tokens (jwt) to allow delegation of limited access rights to third
  parties. See doc/rest.txt for details and intent. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551058: Add new permissions: 'Rest Access' and 'Xmlrpc Access'
  to allow per-user access control to rest and xmlrpc interfaces using
  roles. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551059: added new values for tx_Source to indicate when /rest
  or /xmlrpc endpoint is being used rather than the normal web
  endpoints. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551062: roundup-admin security now validates all properties in
  permissions. It reports invalid properties. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551065: Reorder html entities generated by submit button so that
  styles can be applied. Thanks to Garth Jensen for the patch against
  release 1.6 that was ported to upcoming 2.0 release (Ralf


- issue2550811: work around Unicode encoding issues in jinja2 template
  by explicitly converting data to Unicode; also fixed pagination and
  selecting columns to display in the issues list (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550988: fixed fallback to pseudo random number generator in
  case SystemRandom isn't available, prefer use of secrets module if
  available (Python 3.6+) (Christof Meerwald)
- issue2550993: fixed edit CSV action to update restored items to the
  new value instead of restoring with the previous value (Christof
- issue2550994: avoid breakage caused by use of backports of Python 3
  configparser module to Python 2. (Joseph Myers)
- Make non-existent items in history not cause a traceback (Ralf
- issue2550722: avoid errors from selecting "no selection" on
  multilink. (Joseph Myers)
- issue2550992: avoid errors from invalid Authorization
  headers. (Joseph Myers)
- issue2551022: support non-ASCII prefixes in instance config for
  finding static files. (Cédric Krier)
- issue2551023: Fix CSRF headers for use with wsgi and cgi. The
  env variable array used - separators rather than _. Compare:
  correct. Also fix roundup-server to produce the latter form. (Patch
  by Cédric Krier, reviewed/applied John Rouillard.)
- issue2551035 - fix XSS issue in wsgi and cgi when handing url not
  found/404. Reported by hannob at
  https://github.com/python/bugs.python.org/issues/34, issue opened by
- issue2551026: template variable not defined even though it is.
  Fix issue where variables defined in TAL expression are not
  available in the scope of the definition. (Tom Ekberg (tekberg))
- Make all links created with rel=nofollow include noopener. Deals
  with possible hijack of original page due to malicious link target.
  https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/ (John Rouillard)
- Fix bug where some protected properties were not identified as such
  when using the anydbm backend (John Rouillard)
- issue2551041 - change permission check from "Create User" to "Register
  User" in page.html for the responsive and devel templates. (reporter
  Cédric Krier, John Rouillard)
- issue2550144 - fix use of undefined icing macro in devel
  template. Replace with frame macro. (Cédric Krier)
- handle UnicodeDecodeError in file class when file contents are
  not text (e.g. jpg). (John Rouillard)
- issue2551033: prevent reverse engineering hidden data by using etags
  as an oracle to identify when the right data has been
  guessed. (Joseph Myers, John Rouillard)
- issue2551029: Jinja2 template install error. Update configuration
  code to make sure valid backend database is set. Remove config.ini
  from templates to make sure that roundup-admin install writes a new
  default config.ini based on configuration.py.
- issue2551040: New release of psycopg2 drops support for psycopg1 -
  need to rewrite. Now uses psycopg2 throughout. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551009: Flint not supported error during reindex. Upgrading
  doc updates to discuss this when reindexing. (Reported by Gabi,
  Change by John Rouillard)
- issue2551030: Roundup fails to start if pytz to access Olson
  timezone database not installed. (John Rouillard)
- issue2551029: Jinja2 template install error. Handle issue with
  template's config.ini not getting updated. Provide an alternate
  file: config_ini.ini for required config settings that are merged
  into the default values producing an up to date config.ini on
- issue2551008: fix incorrect encoding handling in mailgw.py
  (Ezio Melotti, John Rouillard)
- issue2551053: the routing dictionary in rest.py used compiled regular
  expressions as dictionary keys. This worked most of the time because
  the regex lib uses a cache but resulted in duplicate keys in the
  dictionary in some cases where a single key should have been used.
  Thanks to Robert Klonner for discovering the problem, debugging the
  root cause and providing a first proposed fix.
- Make searching with a multiselect work for Link/Multilink properties
  that may contain numeric *key* values. For these a menu would render
  options with IDs and later look up the IDs as *key* of the
  Link/Multilink. Now numeric IDs take precedence -- like they already
  do in the menu method of Link and Multilink.
- issue2551013: Reversed sorting in hyperdb property wrapper object's
  sorted() method. Patch by David Sowder, application and doc change
  by John Rouillard.
- issue2550821 - patches for depricated mod_python apache.py interface
  (John Rouillard)
- issue2551005 - deprecation of mod_python (John Rouillard)
- issue2551066: IMAP mail handling wasn't working and produced a
- issue2550925 if deployed as CGI and client sends an http PROXY
  header, the tainted HTTP_PROXY environment variable is created. It
  can affect calls using requests package or curl. A roundup admin
  would have to write detectors/extensions that use these mechanisms.
  Not exploitable in default config. (John Rouillard)
- Add config option to keep/delete previous logging config. Needed to
  make gunicorn --access-logfile work as it uses python logfile module

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.
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