Eric Smith <> added the comment:

"rpm -ba" is very old. I think it's been at least since 2002 that "-ba" was 
supported by rpm.

I believe bdist_rpm is calling "rpmbuild -ba", and if that doesn't exist, then 
"rpm -ba" is a transition strategy until all systems supported "rpmbuild". This 
transition period should be over. Unfortunately today it's far more likely that 
"rpm -ba" will not be what you want to call, but "rpm" will almost always be 
found, giving this error.

Most systems (certain RedHat based) ship rpmbuild as a separate command. RedHat 
installs it via the rpm-build package.

I'd suggest just switching bdist_rpm to always use rpmbuild. Then at least the 
error would be that rpmbuild isn't found.

nosy: +eric.smith

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