Eugene Crosser <> added the comment:

Steffen: can you please be more specific?
As I read the seciton 8.2 of the cited document, I do not see a disparity with 
my statement. There is even an example:

For example, if a user wanted to interact with the system in French, but 
required to sort German text files, LANG and LC_COLLATE could be defined as:


which is (almost) exactly my case. I have LANG set to en_US to tell the system 
that I want to interact in English, and LC_CTYPE - to Russian to tell it that 
"classification of characters" needs to be Russian-specific.

Note that I do *not* have LC_ALL set, because it takes precedence over all 
other LC_* variables which is *not* what I want.

I believe that the correct "guessing order", according to the document that you 
cited, would be:
then possibly (possibly because it does not have encoding info)
then optionally, as a last resort
  LC_CTYPE and other LC_* variables.


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