New submission from Graham Wideman <>:

The overall scope of this issue is that current Python documentation gives 
vague, sometimes incorrect, information about the set of Python features 
involved in modularizing functionality.  This issue presents an obstacle to 
programmers making smooth transitions from a single module, to collections of 
modules and packages, then on to neatly organized common packages shared 
between projects.

The problem affects documentation of:

import and from...import statements
The Language Reference is way too complicated for the mainstream case. Exactly 
what variants of arguments are possible, and what are their effects? What are 
the interactions with package features, such as whether or not modules have 
been explicitly imported into package

Typical consituents; range of alternatives for adding more dirs
Multiple serious errors in the file docstring, relating to site-packages 
directories and .pth files

.pth files
Incorrectly described in, and then vaguely described in other docs.
Are .pth files processed everywhere on sys.path? Can they be interative? (No to 

package structure
Details of package structure have evidently changed over Python versions. 
Current docs are unclear on points such as:
-- is needed on subpackage directories?
-- the __all__ variable: Does it act generally to limit visibility of a module 
or package's attributes, or does pertain only to the 'from...import *' 


Language Reference
The description of the import statement is extensive, but dauntingly 
complicated for the reader trying to understand the mainstream case of simply 
importing modules or packages that are on sys.path.  This is because the 
algorithm for finding modules tries numerous esoteric strategies before falling 
back on the plain-old-file-system method. 

(Even now that I have a good understanding of the plain-old-file variations of 
import, I reread this and find it hard to comprehend, and disorganized and 
incomplete in presenting the available variations of the statement.)

Grammar issue: the grammar shown for the import statement shows:
relative_module ::=  "."* module | "."+

... which implies that relative module could have zero leading dots. I believe 
an actual relative path is required to have at least one dot (PEP 328).  
Evidently, in this grammar, 'relative_module' really means "relative or 
absolute path to module or package", so it would be quite helpful to change to:

relative_path ::=  "."+ module | "."+
from_path     ::= (relative_path | module)

etc.  (Really 'module' is not quite right here either since it's used to mean 
Module implements the site-package related features. The docstring has 
multiple problems with consequences in other docs.

1. Does not mention user-specific site-package directories (implemented by 
addusersitepackages() )

2. Seriously misleading discussion of .pth files.  In the docstring the example 
shows using pth files, called "package configuration files" in their comments, 
to point to actual package directories bar and foo located within the 
site-packages directory.  This is an absolutely incorrect use of pth files:  If 
foo and bar are packages in .../site-packages/, they do not need to be pointed 
to, they are already on sys.path.  

If the package dirs ARE pointed to by foo.pth and bar.pth, the modules inside 
them will be exposed directly to sys.path, possibly precipitating name 
collisions.  Further, programmers following this example will create packages 
in which import statements will appear to magically perform relative imports 
without leading dots, leading to confusion over how the import statement is 
supposed to work.

It may be that this discussion is held over from a time when "package" perhaps 
meant "Just a Bunch of Files in a Directory"?

3. The docstring (or other docs) should make clear that .pth files are ONLY 
processed within site-package directories (ie: only by

4. Bug: Minor: In addsitepackages(), the library directory for Windows (the 
else clause) is shown as lower-case 'lib' instead of 'Lib'. This has some 
possibility of causing problems when running from a case-sensitive server.  In 
any case, if read as documentation it is misleading.

6. Modules:  

1. Discussion (6.1.2. The Module Search Path) is good as far as it goes, but it 
doesn't mention the site-package directories.

2. Section 6.4. Packages:  Discussion of does describe the purpose 
of these files.  However, the discussion in relation to subpackages should 
mention that for subdirectories to be accessible they must in fact be made into 
subpackages.  I.e.: there is not form of import that can reach into a subdir of 
a package *unless* it's flagged as a subpackage using  I have read 
elsewhere that there were some versions of Python where was not 
needed on subdirs within a package.

3. Section 6.4. Packages: The discussion of __all__ should note that it works 
*only* in conjunction with 'from...import *', and is not a general mechanism 
for limiting visibility of attributes. Attributes not in the __all__ list are 
still accessible using other forms of import.

4. Section 6.4. Packages: "Note that when using from package import item" and 
following.  Draws a contrast between:

    from package import item          vs 
    import item.subitem.subsubitem

However, this muddles the roles of the arguments to import, and notably uses 
'item' in two different ways.  Instead the discussion can be presented as a 
comparison of:

    from   PackageOrModule import ModuleOrAttribute      vs 
    import PackageOrModule

... where it can be pointed out that the PackageOrModule 'dotted path' argument 
follows the *same* rules in both cases (except for relative paths). The 
*salient* contrast is that only the 'from' form has a *second* argument which 
can be an attribute.

5.  Footnote: (somewhat unrelated, but...) says "the execution of a 
module-level function enters the function name in the module’s global symbol 
table."  This is surely incorrect -- it is the execution of the function's 
*def* that enters the function name in the symbol table.

Standard Library Reference
1) 27.13. site — Site-specific configuration hook This is documentation for, and is a page that might well come up in a search for '.pth'. 

1a) This page may simply be importing the docstring from  In any case 
it repeats the ommissions and errors noted above for

2) 27.1. sys — System-specific parameters and functions  Documentation for sys.path.  OK 
as far as it goes, but:

2a) Could helpfully point to a discussion of the typical items to be found in 
sys.path under normal circumstances

2b) It does point to the module documentation as the authoritative info 
on using .pth files (which is seriously flawed as noted above).

3) 29.3. pkgutil — Package extension utility.  

3a) The info for pkgutil.extend_path() describes how .pkg files are similar to 
.pth files, and their entries should point to package directories. As I noted 
above, so far as I can see, package directories should be within a directory on 
sys,path, but should not themselves be included in the path, otherwise it 
breaks their capability to work properly as packages.

'Installing Python Modules' document: 
-------------------------------------- This may well be consulted for 
info on how to organize source files, though it is basically the doc for 

1. Main problem is that it seems quite out-of-date; "Windows has no concept of 
a user’s home directory, " and so on.

2. 'How installation works' > table.  For Windows suggests 'prefix' (default: 
C:\Python) as an installation directory.  This is indeed one of the possible 
'site-package' directories, but surely it is deprecated in favor of 
C:\Python\Lib\site-packages, which this section does not mention.

3. Does not mention user-specific site-package directories.

4. 'Modifying Python's Search Path' > "The most convenient way is to add a path 
configuration file to a directory that’s already on Python’s path". This is 
incorrect.  (a) .pth files are only processed in site-package directories. (b) 
Clarifying an additional point of confusion -- as a consequence of (a) .pth 
files cannot be chained.

5. Points to docs for with it's flaws noted above.

PEP 302 New Import Hooks
Given the vagueness elsewhere in the docs, one might go hunting for ground 
truth in the PEPs. One must allow for PEPs having been superceeded, but 
nonetheless, outdated info that is now wrong is an additional stumbling block 
for learners.

1. Section 'Specification part 1: The importer Protocol'.  Discussion says that 
in an import statement, a path (with no leading  '.') is first treated as 
relative. This is now incorrect (as spelled out in PEP 328.)  It would be 
helpful to insert a note in PEP 302 pointing out that the later revision 
invalidates this passage.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 130964
nosy: docs@python, gwideman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Docs for: import, packages,, .pth files
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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