John O'Connor <> added the comment:

I am new to the community but hoping to start contributing or at least 
following issues and learning :) 

I'm looking at bufferediobase_readinto(). What I haven't yet figured out is why 
.readinto() is (currently) implemented at this layer of the hierarchy. You have 
to have a raw read buffer available to read from and I'm not sure how one would 
acquire that from here (without calling .read() or something that has been 
overridden and knows about the raw buffer).

I feel like bufferediobase_readinto() should return unsupported. Also 
readinto(), in theory, is lower level than read. if read isn't implemented at 
this layer why is readinto()?

With a little direction, I would be interested in helping w/a patch.

nosy: +jcon

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