Feature Requests item #1673203, was opened at 2007-03-03 19:21
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by belopolsky
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: paul rubin (phr)
Assigned to: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger)
Summary: add identity function

Initial Comment:
Requested and assigned to Raymond at his suggestion:


There should be an identify function identity(x)=x.

I suggest it also take and ignore an optional second arg: identity(x1,x2)=x1.  
The second arg can be useful in some generator expressions:

foo = (x for x in bar if condition(x) and identity(True, memoize(x))

That allows calling memoize (or some other function) on the selected elements 
in the genexp, and disposing of the returned value.  It's sort of like the 
const function (K combinator) to go along with the identity function's I 
combinator.  OK, the above is not really in the functional spirit, but it's 
been useful.

There could conceivably be also an actual const function 
const(k)=partial(identity,k) but I can't remember needing that in Python code.  
The two-arg identity function (uncurried version of const) is probably enough.


Comment By: Alexander Belopolsky (belopolsky)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:34

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I need to clarify that my comment about a buggy patch was responding to
twobitsprite, not to jackdied whose post I noticed only after I hit submit.
 Jackdied's patch is correct, but my concern is that with identity in
operators, functional programmers will start passing identity instead of
None as func to map(func, ..) that will result in much slower code.


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:31

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO


My appologies for not being hip to the latest python dev news. I would
have no problem with putting the function in a module like
functools/itertools/operator/whatever, I just thought something like that
might belong with map/filter/etc... so, if that's where they're going, I
can just from functools import * and go on my merry way. I was just
responding to your argument that defining it yourself would be just as easy
as importing from a module.

+1 on Raymond's patch (not that I expect my vote to count much, being some
random guy :P) execpt for it going into operator, being as map/etc are
going somewhere else... either way, I think it's silly to mobe map/etc out
of builtins, but hey... what am I gonna do about it? :P


Comment By: Alexander Belopolsky (belopolsky)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:18

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Raising "Haskel is better than Python" argument is unlikely to win you
friends here.  Neither will submitting a patch with a reference count bug


Comment By: Jack Diederich (jackdied)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:15

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Originator: NO

Raymond, please make a pronouncement.

+1 on adding it to the operator module.  Lots of one liners go there.
-1000 to having it take more than one argument.  If I saw this
  identity(ob, 42)
for the first time (or second, or ...) I would have to look up what
it does.  As a plain identity function it is obvious.

Patch to operator.c, liboperator.tex, test_operator.py, NEWS attached.
Raymond, there isn't a good section in the doc for this function so I
added it to the logical operators.  The fact that there isn't a good
section for it might be a mark against it being included.

It is a couple times faster than the python version which isn't exciting.

sprat:~/src/python-rw> ./python Lib/timeit.py -s "from operator import
identity" "identity(None)"
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.161 usec per loop
sprat:~/src/python-rw> ./python Lib/timeit.py -s "def identity(ob): return
ob" "identity(None)"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.421 usec per loop

File Added: identity.patch


Comment By: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:13

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Your patch isn't what was asked for by other users.  The Python equivalent
to what was asked for was:

identity = lambda arg0, *args: arg0

Regardless, being that it is a functional language construct, it's not
going to make it into __builtins__.  Never mind that adding to __builtins__
has a higher requirement than in other portions of the standard library.


Comment By: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:06

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

> Well, I'm suggesting that it be in __builtins__, but whatever...

You apparently didn't get the memo; map, filter, reduce, etc., are all
going to be placed into functools and removed from __builtins__.  Adding
identity to __builtins__ is not going to happen.

Further, your preferred programming language not being Python is not
topical to the discussion.  If you want Haskell, and your boss isn't
letting you use it, please don't complain here.


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 16:06

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

--- bltinmodule-orig.c  2007-03-22 16:00:21.452245559 -0400
+++ bltinmodule.c       2007-03-22 15:56:19.353115310 -0400
@@ -69,6 +69,17 @@
        return PyNumber_Absolute(v);

+static PyObject *
+builtin_identity(PyObject *self, PyObject *v)
+       return v;
+"identity(x) -> x\n\
+The identity function. Simply returns is first argument.");
 "abs(number) -> number\n\
@@ -2281,6 +2292,7 @@
        {"vars",        builtin_vars,       METH_VARARGS, vars_doc},
        {"zip",         builtin_zip,        METH_VARARGS, zip_doc},
+       {"identity",    builtin_identity,   METH_O, identity_doc},
        {NULL,          NULL},


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 15:37

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Well, I'm suggesting that it be in __builtins__, but whatever... If I had
it my way I'd program in Haskell every chance I got anyways, I only use
python because my boss/co-workers prefer it.


Comment By: Alexander Belopolsky (belopolsky)
Date: 2007-03-22 15:32

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

> I can't believe there is such resistance for something
> as trivial as a function which returns it's first argument.

The resistance is precisely because it is so trivial. As  josiahcarlson
suggested before, "Not all x line functions should be built into Python." 
Compare the following two alternatives:

def identity(*args): return args[0]


from functools import identity

The first option is only slightly longer than the second, but it is
actually much clearer.  With the  second option, it is not obvious that
identity takes an arbitrary number of arguments and if it does, which
argument it will return.

The only advantage is that if coded in C, functools.identity may be
slightly faster. However, given that 

>>> dis(lambda x: x)
  1           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
              3 RETURN_VALUE

I am not sure a C coded identity can significantly beat it.  The real
savings would come if python compiler could optimize away calls to identity
altogether, but nobody has explained how that could be done or why it would
be easier to optimize away identity that lambda x:x.


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 15:25

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Also, map like functions start to look a bit ugly (of course, this is
overly simplistic, but serves as an example):

def my_map(func, items):
    acc = []
    for item in items:
        if func == None:
    return acc

which has the obvious overhead of a test for every iteration. Of course,
you could just make two versions of the for loop, one which applies <func>
and one which doesn't, but that immetiately violates once-and-only-once and
also forces the function to be overly concerned with what it is passed.

this is _much_ cleaner:

def my_map2(func, items):
    return [func(i) for i in items]

and the user of the function can simply pass <identity> as <func> and this
keeps the details of what to do with the items outside of the function.

Without identity, whenever I want to allow the user to inject code to
modify data, I have to account for the fact that they might want to do
nothing with it, and so I have to test for None constantly. This is simply
bad practice and, IMHO, violates everything python stands for, which is
elegance, simplicity and "batteries included", right?

If you want I patch, I can try to provide one; however I have very minimal
knowledge of how the vm works, and I've only looked at the code a couple of
times. In fact, I might even go ahead and do that, it can't be that


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 15:06

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

It still feels like an ugly hack for something so simple. I can't believe
there is such resistance for something as trivial as a function which
returns it's first argument.


Comment By: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Date: 2007-03-22 13:49

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

twobitsprite: your use-case is different from that of others.  While you
could use an identity function for your purposes, a lambda would work just
fine.  Regardless, there is call overhead, which can only be reduced by not
performing a call at all.

In terms of an identity function versus tuple creation and indexing as per
belopolsky's suggestion...

>>> timeit.Timer("x(1+2,3+4)", "x = lambda *args:args[-1]").timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer("(1+2,3+4)[-1]", "").timeit()

Tuple is faster.  Just use a tuple.


Comment By: Memotype (twobitsprite)
Date: 2007-03-22 09:06

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I also would like to have a built-in identity function (in fact, I found
this by googling "python identity function"). My use-case is a bit
different. I ofter find myself wanting to simply specify a function for be
used in a loop, something like:

def f(items):
    if something:
        wrapper = int
        wrapper = identity

    for item in items:
        yield wrapper(item)

of course, usually it's a bit more complex than that, but you get the
idea... and I supposed its actually more like the previous use-case than I

I realize I could just use "lambda x: x", but I feel that comes with an
unnecessary performance impact for something so trivial. I don't know how
much python does to compile built-in functions, but I imagine that the
identity function can be mostly optimized out at compile time if it were

Just my two-cents.


Comment By: Alexander Belopolsky (belopolsky)
Date: 2007-03-19 15:57

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Originator: NO

I have just realized that the requested functionality is known in C as the
comma operator.  I often find myself writing "return Py_INCREF(o),o;" in my
C code, but I cannot really defend that idiom against "Py_INCREF(o); return
o;" alternative.  My personal reason is entirely C-specific, if  followed
an if(), the first form does not require curly braces.

In any case, comma operator can be emulated in python as

exp1,expr2,expr3   ->  (exp1,expr2,expr3)[-1]

Since multi-argument "identity" is likely to be rejected, my proposal to
alter the order of arguments is moot.  My other suggestion that with
identity, map(None, ..) should be deprecated in favor of map(identity, ..)
is probably an arument against the identity proposal now.  


Comment By: Collin Winter (collinwinter)
Date: 2007-03-19 15:05

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Originator: NO

I can see adding the 1-argument form to operator or functools (as it's
useful in functional programming), but the 2-argument form you've suggested
is right out. If you really feel the need to torture a "for" loop into a
genexp/listcomp like that,

foo = (x for x in bar if condition(x) and [memoize(x)])

does the same thing using today's capabilities.


Comment By: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Date: 2007-03-12 16:06

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Originator: NO

Not all x line functions should be built into Python.  Further, Python's
standard syntax offers an infix operator that does the same thing (though
in slightly different order as described below, you can reorder with
minimal effort).

identity(X, Y) -> (Y and False) or X

Also, the only use-case that you are provided and that I can imagine, are
examples like you provide where one is changing state within a statement
(if, elif, while, etc.) or expression (generator, list comprehension,
conditional, etc.).


Comment By: Alexander Belopolsky (belopolsky)
Date: 2007-03-05 09:21

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Originator: NO

1. If this proposal is accepted, it will make sense to deprecate the use
of None as an identity function in map:

>>> map(None, range(10))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

2. Some other languages have an dyadic identity function that returns the
*second* argument. 

For example, K has : primitive:


The rationale in K is that it is useful in an ammed function that replaces
entries of an an array with a result of a dyadic function applied to the
old and the supplied value and it is natural to have old value first:

  @[1 2 3;1;-;20]
1 -18 3
  @[1 2 3;1;:;20]
1 20 3

This rationale does not apply to Python, but in the absence of other
reasons to choose the order of arguments, Python may as well follow the
precedent. Does anyone know a less exotic language that has a dyadic


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