Nicolas Estibals <> added the comment:


Treating this as a bug is a good news, if we don't user of the function will 
ask for python 3.3

I also think the part concerning the Sender header is pretty clear and we can 
fix it easily.

About the Resent-* fields, I'm not sure of the right thing to do. But I haven't 
found the mention of no automatic processing for them but I found that RFC 2822 
specify more exactly how to use them.

Contrary to the other fields, they have to be in block and the more recent 
block have to be at the beginning of the mail, moreover they must not be 
reordered during transfer. Thus I think we have to consider the first block of 
Resent-* fields if present. (cf. RFC 2822 third paragraph in section 3.6 and 
appendix A.3) However perhaps we have to wait for an answer from email-sig.

I have one more concern about the send_mesage method: if the Bcc field is 
present this one is deleted, thus we lose information if we copy it in a sent 
directory for instance. What do you think about the idea that send_message 
method should not modify the message ? (The sent message should get rid of the 
Bcc header but not the one the user keep after using the method.)

Best regards.


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