Mark Mc Mahon <> added the comment:

This mostly a documentation concern - correct? ctypes.wintypes is sparsely 
documented - in 2.7 the help for it seems to be:
"The ctypes.wintypes module provides quite some other Windows specific data 
types, for example HWND, WPARAM, or DWORD. Some useful structures like MSG or 
RECT are also defined."

How about the following solution:
First of all get the previous release information
 - hg log / hg revert / import wintypes / dir(wintypes)

Future changes have to be updated manually (which probably is not a big deal as 
it is a reasonably stable module)

In fact I went and got the revision when each attribute was added... (some of 
those are just ctypes leakage)
{36899: ['ARRAY',                   'MSG',
         'ArgumentError',           'OLESTR',
         'Array',                   'OleDLL',
         'BOOL',                    'POINT',
         'BYTE',                    'POINTER',
         'BigEndianStructure',      'POINTL',
         'DEFAULT_MODE',            'PYFUNCTYPE',
         'DWORD',                   'PyDLL',
         'FILETIME',                'RECT',
         'FormatError',             'RECTL',
         'GetLastError',            'RGB',
         'HANDLE',                  'RTLD_GLOBAL',
         'HDC',                     'RTLD_LOCAL',
         'HGDIOBJ',                 'SIZE',
         'HINSTANCE',               'SIZEL',
         'HKEY',                    'SetPointerType',
         'HMENU',                   'Structure',
         'HMODULE',                 'ULARGE_INTEGER',
         'HPEN',                    'ULONG',
         'HRESULT',                 'Union',
         'HRGN',                    'VARIANT_BOOL',
         'HTASK',                   'WIN32_FIND_DATAA',
         'HWND',                    'WIN32_FIND_DATAW',
         'LARGE_INTEGER',           'WINFUNCTYPE',
         'LCID',                    'WORD',
         'LONG',                    'WPARAM',
         'LPARAM',                  'WinDLL',
         'LPCOLESTR',               'WinError',
         'LPCSTR',                  'alignment',
         'LPCWSTR',                 'get_errno',
         'LPOLESTR',                'get_last_error',
         'LPSTR',                   'resize',
         'LPWSTR',                  'set_conversion_mode',
         'LibraryLoader',           'set_errno',
         'LittleEndianStructure',   'set_last_error',

 38788: ['ATOM',                     'HRSRC',
         'BOOLEAN',                  'HSTR',
         'COLORREF',                 'HWINSTA',
         'HACCEL',                   'LANGID',
         'HBITMAP',                  'LCTYPE',
         'HBRUSH',                   'LGRPID',
         'HCOLORSPACE',              'SC_HANDLE',
         'HDESK',                    'SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE',
         'HDWP',                     'SMALL_RECT',
         'HENHMETAFILE',             '_COORD',
         'HFONT',                    '_FILETIME',
         'HGLOBAL',                  '_POINTL',
         'HHOOK',                    '_RECTL',
         'HICON',                    '_SMALL_RECT',
         'HKL',                      'tagMSG',
         'HLOCAL',                   'tagPOINT',
         'HMETAFILE',                'tagRECT',
         'HMONITOR',                 'tagSIZE',

 38830: ['DOUBLE',

 48320: ['FLOAT',

48320 -> 2.7?
38830 -> 2.5?
38788 -> 2.5?
36899 -> 2.4?

So we need a doc patch? Should we update the older 'What's new in Python 2.x' 
for added attribs?

nosy: +markm

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