New submission from STINNER Victor <>:

Python 2.7 emits a DeprecationWarning warning if callable() is called and 
python has the -3 option. callable() was removed in Python 3.0, but it was also 
added again in Python 3.2 (issue #10518).

$ ./python -bb -3 -Werror 
Python 2.7.2+ (2.7:7bfedb159e82, Jul  5 2011, 13:23:38) 
>>> callable(int)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
DeprecationWarning: callable() not supported in 3.x; use isinstance(x, 

I propose to drop the warning from Python 2.7. Use the six module if you would 
like to support Python 3.1, or use directly the following workaround in your 

def callable(obj):
   return any("__call__" in klass.__dict__ for klass in type(obj).__mro__)

Attached patch removes the warning.

By the way, the six should be updated for Python 3.2: callable is a builtin 
again ;-)

files: callable_warning.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 139853
nosy: benjamin.peterson, haypo, pitrou
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: callable(): remove the deprecation warning from Python 2.7
versions: Python 2.7
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