Brandon Craig Rhodes <> added the comment:

Brett, yes, you are welcome to close this issue — Ned quite handily convinced 
me that coverage code belongs in the "coverage" distribution, not languishing 
about in the CPython source tree. That solution also quite beautifully solves 
the copyright problem. So I happily withdraw my request for this feature.

Nick, Brett is working on exactly the sort of devguide improvement that you 
suggest — not least because the devguide will now need to instruct people in 
how to build "coverage" so that its C-accelerated tracer is available, which 
Ned's own patch to "coverage" to cover stdlib tracing uses instead of the 
Python tracer that I cut-and-pasted into this patch.

Finally, it would be wonderful to have a more formal mechanism for boot-time 
interventions. I have mentioned before my wish that Python's first action be to 
open() the executable, check its tail to see if it's a valid zipfile, and if so 
to try loading and running "" from that zipfile. Among other things, 
that would allow single-file distribution of pure-Python applications without 
the py2exe/py2app mess that prevails in the projects I work with today. But 
since the whole issue of grabbing control at boot time raises hackles ("why 
would you want to do that!?"), and I needed something working immediately 
during the PyCon sprint, I elected to simply adopt "" as my way in. 
It works great, and "coverage" can evolve to an even better mechanism as soon 
as one becomes available, should anyone want to take the bootup option and run 
with it.

One final thought: should PyPy etc also implement the same boot protocol, 
should one be invented, so that all mainline interpreters can be instrumented 
the same way?


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