New submission from Paul Moore <>:

In a directory with 2 files, setup.cfg and a single C file containing source 
for an extension module. The same happens with a pure-python module. This is on 

PS D:\Data\python-sample> D:\Data\cpython\PCbuild\python.exe -m 
run --list-commands
List of available commands:
  bdist: create a built (binary) distribution
  bdist_dumb: create a "dumb" built distribution
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 652, in resolve_name
    ret = getattr(ret, part)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'bdist_msi'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\", line 160, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\", line 73, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 666, in <module>
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 653, in main
    return dispatcher()
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 642, in __call__
    return func(self, self.args)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 91, in wrapper
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 264, in _run
    cls = dispatcher.cmdclass.get(cmd) or get_command_class(cmd)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\command\", line 61, in 
    cls = resolve_name(cls)
  File "D:\Data\cpython\lib\packaging\", line 654, in resolve_name
    raise ImportError(exc)
ImportError: 'module' object has no attribute 'bdist_msi'

assignee: tarek
components: Distutils2
messages: 145478
nosy: alexis, eric.araujo, pmoore, tarek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pysetup run --list-commands fails with a traceback
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

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