New submission from Raymond Hettinger <>:

Currently, an XMLRPC client communicating with a server running Python can make 
Python style calls but exceptions get collapsed into a standard FaultException 
making it difficult to program in a Pythonic style:

proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/";)
    value = proxy.lookup('somekey')
except xmlrpc.client.Fault as err:
    if err.faultCode == 1 and 'KeyError' in err.faultString:
        k =":.(\w+)' not found$", err.faultString).groups(1)
        raise KeyError(k)
It would be better if we could do this automatically (search for a pure python 
exception of the same name and raise it instead of a Fault):

proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/";, 

   value = proxy.lookup('somekey')
except KeyError as e:

messages: 147572
nosy: rhettinger
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Option for XMLRPC clients to automatically transform Fault exceptions 
into standard exceptions
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.3

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