New submission from Éric Araujo <>:

I recently changed packaging.util.byte_compile, the function used by the 
build_py and install_lib commands, so that it can create .pyc and/or .pyo files 
independently of the calling’s Python -O or -B flags (dad02a080bbc), but I 
think I introduced a bug.  To check that bug and fully test byte_compile before 
I further simplify the function and backport the whole fix to distutils, I 
wanted to add tests that load a .pyc or .pyo file and make sure that the right 
optimization level is used (nothing for --compile, level one for --optimize=1, 
level 2 for --optimize=2).

In the attached patch, I run a Python with -O, -OO or no flag in a subprocess 
to import a module that prints different things depending on the optimization 
level.  The .pyc or .pyo file is already created by packaging, but I have no 
check that makes sure that they are not recreated (which I don’t want) and I 
don’t know if the optimizations in compile.c are applied during 
byte-compilation or after import (which would make my tests not exercise what I 

(I tried to use imp.load_module at first but it’s not very friendly.  Other 
ideas that I had after the patch was done: Use subprocess + imp so that I can 
import pyc or pyo as I wish; use open + dis module.)

So, could you import experts review the functions added in and tell me if they exercise what I want?

assignee: eric.araujo
components: Distutils, Distutils2
files: p7g-tests-bytecompiled-files.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 148258
nosy: alexis, brett.cannon, eric.araujo, ncoghlan, tarek
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: commit review
status: open
title: Add tests for files byte-compiled by distutils[2]
versions: 3rd party, Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file:

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