kxroberto <kxrobe...@users.sourceforge.net> added the comment:

I wonder where is the origin, who is the inventor of the frequent 
charset=unicode? But:

"Sorry, but it's not obviously that Unicode means UTF-8."

When I faced
<meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
the first time on the web, I guessed it is UTF-8 without looking. It even 
sounds colloquially reasonable ;-)  And its right 99.999% of cases. 
(UTF-16 is less frequent than this non-canonical "unicode")

"Definitely; this will just serve to create more confusion for beginners over 
what a Unicode string is:
unicodestring.encode('unicode')   <- WTF?"

I guess no python tutorial writer or encoding menu writer poses that example. 
That string comes in on technical paths:  web, MIME etc.
In the aliases.py there are many other names which are not canonical. frequency 
> convenience > alias

"Joining the chorus: people who need it in their application will have to add 
it themselves (monkeypatching the aliases dictionary as appropriate)."

Those people first would need to be aware of the option: Be all-seeing, or all 
wait for the first bug reports ...  

Reverse question: what would be the minus of having this alias?


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