Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Those who use or advocate a simple randomized starting hash (Perl, Ruby, 
perhaps MS, and the CCC presenters) are presuming that the randomized hash 
values are kept private. Indeed, they should be (and the docs could note this) 
unless an attacker has direct access to the interpreter. An attacker who does, 
as in a Python programming class, can much more easily freeze the interpreter 
by 'accidentally' writing code equivalent to "while True: pass".

I do not think we, as Python developers, should be concerned about esoteric 
timing attacks. They strike me as a site issue rather than a language issue. As 
I understand them, they require *large* numbers of probes coupled with 
responses based on the same hash function. So a site being so probed already 
has bit of a problem. And if hashing were randomized per process, and probes 
were randomly distributed among processes, and processes were periodically 
killed and restarted with new seeds, could such an attack get anywhere (besides 
the DOS effect of the probing)? The point of the CCC talk was that with one 
constant known hash, one could lock up a server for a long while with just one 

So I think we should copy Perl and Ruby, do the easy thing, and add a random 
seed to 3.3 hashing, subject to keeping equality for equal numbers. Let 
whatever thereby fails, fail, and be updated. For prior versions, add an option 
for strings and perhaps numbers, and document that some tests will fail if 

We could also consider, for 3.3, making the output of hash() be different from 
the internal values used for dicts, perhaps by switching random seeds in 
hash(). So even if someone does return hash(x) values to potential attackers, 
they are not the values used in dicts. (This would require a slight change in 
the doc.)


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