New submission from STINNER Victor <>:

Attached patch adds an optional format argument to time.time(), time.clock(), 
time.wallclock(), time.clock_gettime() and time.clock_getres() to get the 
timestamp as a different format. By default, the float type is still used, but 
it will be possible to pass "format" to get the timestamp as a decimal.Decimal 

Some advantages of using decimal.Decimal instead of float:
 - no loss of precision during conversion from base 2 to base 10 (converting 
the float to a string)
 - the resolution of the clock is stored in the Decimal object
 - for big number, Decimal doesn't loose precision

Using Decimal is also motivated by the fact than Python 3.3 has now access to 
clock having a resolution of 1 nanosecond: clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME). Well, 
it doesn't mean that the clock is accurate, but Python should not loose 
precision just because it uses floatting point instead of integers.

About the API: I chose to add a string argument to allow maybe later to support 
user defined formats, or at least add new builtin formats. For example, someone 
proposed 128 bits float in the issue #11457.


The internal format is:

typedef struct {
    time_t seconds;
    /* floatpart can be zero */
    size_t floatpart;
    /* divisor cannot be zero */
    size_t divisor;
    /* log10 of the clock resoltion, the real resolution is 10^resolution,
       resolution is in range [-9; 0] */
    int resolution;
} _PyTime_t;

I don't know if size_t is big enough to store any "floatpart" value: 
time.clock() uses a LARGE_INTEGER internally. I tested my patch on Linux 32 and 
64 bits, but not yet on Windows.

The internal function encoding a timestamp to Decimal caches the resolution 
objects (10^resolution, common clock resolutions: 10^-6, 10^-9) in a dict, and 
a Context object.

I computed that 22 decimal digits should be enough to compute a timestamp of 
10,000 years. Extract of my patch:

"Use 12 decimal digits to store 10,000 years in seconds + 9 decimal digits for 
the floating part in nanoseconds + 1 decimal digit to round correctly"

>>> str(int(3600*24*365.25*10000))
>>> len(str(int(3600*24*365.25*10000)))


See also the issue #11457 which is linked to this topic, but not exactly the 
same because it concerns a low level function (os.stat()).

components: Library (Lib)
files: time_decimal-2.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 152031
nosy: belopolsky, haypo, loewis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add format argument for time.time(), time.clock(), ... to get a 
timestamp as a Decimal object
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

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