Steven Bethard <> added the comment:

> It prevents implementing parsers that pass strings on to another 
> sub-parser or command.
> wouldn't you use 'parse_known_args' instead of 'parse_args'
> and pass the remaining arguments to the next script

I'll just say again that the recommended way of passing arguments to another 
command is via nargs=argparse.REMAINDER. (Though you may still need "--" if the 
first argument in the remainder is a flag shared by your parser, as Warren 
Turka pointed out.)

> I really want "--" to mean "treat everything else as non-optional 
> arguments"

Yep, and that's what it's intended to mean, and what the documentation says:

"you can insert the pseudo-argument '--' which tells parse_args() that 
everything after that is a positional argument"

It's therefore a bug if there's a '--' after the first '--', but it's not being 
treated as a positional argument.


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