Tshepang Lekhonkhobe <tshep...@gmail.com> added the comment:

> Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> added the comment:
> Rather than "is recommended by at least one core CPython developer" I'd say 
> "matches the way the CPython executable handles its own verbosity argument" 
> (check the output of "python --help")


> Also, a better fix for the non-orderable types problem is to use "default=0" 
> when defining the verbosity arg rather than changing the test in the code.


> Finally, the "not a superset" problem that I have with the way the running 
> example uses its verbosity argument is that it uses it to *change* the 
> message that gets displayed, instead of using it to *display more messages* 
> at higher verbosity levels.
> >From that point of view, more idiomatic usage might look something like:
>    if verbosity >= 2:
>        print("Running {!r}".format(self.__file__)
>    if verbosity >= 1:
>        print("Calculating {}^2".format(args.square)
>    print(answer)

Yeah, I clearly didn't understand what you meant by 'superset'. I've
added one example similar to the above.

These were good suggestions. I've attached the patch.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file24941/argparse_howto3.patch

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
diff --git a/Doc/howto/argparse.rst b/Doc/howto/argparse.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/howto/argparse.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+Command Line Interface HOWTO
+:author: Tshepang Lekhonkhobe <tshep...@gmail.com>
+.. _argparse-howto:
+This is intended to be a gentle introduction to command line parsing
+using :mod:`argparse` module, the recommended module for such a purpose
+in Python. Please pay careful attention to the code and its output. All of
+it was carefully selected for its instructive value.
+.. note::
+   There's two other modules that fulfill the same task, namely
+   :mod:`getopt` (an equivalent for :c:func:`getopt` from the C
+   language) and the deprecated :mod:`optparse`.
+Let's show the sort of functionality that we are going to explore in this
+introductory tutorial by making use of the :command:`ls` command::
+    $ ls
+    cpython  devguide  prog.py  pypy  rm-unused-function.patch
+    $ ls pypy
+    ctypes_configure  demo  dotviewer  include  lib_pypy  lib-python ...
+    $ ls -l
+    total 20
+    drwxr-xr-x 19 wena wena 4096 Feb 18 18:51 cpython
+    drwxr-xr-x  4 wena wena 4096 Feb  8 12:04 devguide
+    -rwxr-xr-x  1 wena wena  535 Feb 19 00:05 prog.py
+    drwxr-xr-x 14 wena wena 4096 Feb  7 00:59 pypy
+    -rw-r--r--  1 wena wena  741 Feb 18 01:01 rm-unused-function.patch
+    $ ls --help
+    Usage: ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
+    List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
+    Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified.
+    ...
+A few concepts we can learn from the four commands:
+#. The :command:`ls` command is useful when run without any options at all. It 
+   to displaying the contents of the current directory.
+#. If we want beyond what it provides by default, we tell it a bit more. In
+   this case, we want it to display a different directory, ``pypy``.
+   What we did is specify what is known as a positional argument. It's named so
+   because the program should know what to do with the value, solely based on
+   where it appears on the command line. This concept is more relevant
+   to a command like :command:`cp`, whose most basic usage is ``cp SRC DEST``.
+   The first position is *what you want copied,* and the second
+   position is *where you want it copied to*.
+#. Now, say we want to change behaviour of the program. In our example,
+   we display more info for each file instead of just showing the file names.
+   The ``-l`` in that case is known as an optional argument.
+#. That's a snippet of the help text. It's very useful in that you can
+   come across a program you have never used before, and can figure out
+   how it works simply by reading it's help text.
+The basics
+Let us start with a very simple example which does (almost) nothing::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.parse_args()
+Following is a result of running the code::
+    $ python3 prog.py 
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h]
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+    $ python3 prog.py --verbose
+    usage: prog.py [-h]
+    prog.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --verbose
+    $ python3 prog.py foo
+    usage: prog.py [-h]
+    prog.py: error: unrecognized arguments: foo
+Here is what is happening:
+* Running the script without any options results in nothing displayed to
+  stdout. Not so useful.
+* The second one starts to display the usefulness of the :mod:`argparse`
+  module. We have done almost nothing, but already we get a nice help message.
+* The ``--help`` option, which can also be shortened to ``-h``, is the only
+  option we get for free (i.e. no need to specify it). Specifying anything
+  else results in an error. But even then, we do get a useful usage message,
+  also for free.
+Introducing Positional arguments
+An example::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("echo")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(args.echo)
+And running the code::
+    $ python3 prog.py
+    usage: prog.py [-h] echo
+    prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: echo
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h] echo
+    positional arguments:
+      echo
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+    $ python3 prog.py foo
+    foo
+Here is what's happening:
+#. We've added :meth:`add_argument` method, which is what we use to specify
+   which command line options the program is willing to accept. In this case,
+   I've named it ``echo`` so that it's in line with its function.
+#. Calling our program now requires us to specify an option.
+#. Also, the :meth:`parse_args` method actually returns some data from the
+   options specified, in this case, ``echo``. Note that the variable is some
+   form of 'magic' that :mod:`argparse` performs for free (i.e. no need to
+   specify which variable that value is stored in). Note also that it's
+   name matches the string argument given to the method, ``echo``.
+Note however that, although the help display looks nice and all, it currently
+is not as helpful as it can be. For example we see that we got ``echo`` as a
+positional argument, but we don't know what it does, other than by guessing or
+by reading the source code. So, let's make it a bit more useful::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("echo", help="echo the string you use here")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(args.echo)
+And we get::
+    $ python3 prog.py -h
+    usage: prog.py [-h] echo
+    positional arguments:
+      echo        echo the string you use here
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+Now, how about doing something even more useful::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", help="display a square of a given number")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(pow(args.square, 2))
+Following is a result of running the code::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "prog.py", line 5, in <module>
+        print(pow(args.square, 2))
+    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'int'
+That didn't go so well. That's because :mod:`argparse` treats the options we
+give it as strings, unless we tell it otherwise and the :func:`pow` function
+doesn't accept strings as arguments. So, let's tell
+:mod:`argparse` to treat that input as an integer::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", help="display a square of a given number",
+                        type=int)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(pow(args.square, 2))
+Following is a result of running the code::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py four
+    usage: prog.py [-h] square
+    prog.py: error: argument square: invalid int value: 'four'
+That went well. The program now even helpfully quits on bad illegal input
+before proceeding.
+Introducing Optional arguments
+So far we, have been playing with positional arguments. Let us
+have a look on how to add optional ones::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--verbosity", help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbosity:
+        print("verbosity turned on")
+And the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py --verbosity 1
+    verbosity turned on
+    $ python3 prog.py
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [--verbosity VERBOSITY]
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      --verbosity VERBOSITY
+                            increase output verbosity
+    $ python3 prog.py --verbosity 
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [--verbosity VERBOSITY]
+    prog.py: error: argument --verbosity: expected one argument
+Here is what is happening:
+#. The program is written so as to display something when ``--verbosity`` is
+   specified and display nothing when not.
+#. To show that the option is actually optional, there is no error when running
+   the program without it. Note that by default, if an optional argument isn't
+   used, the relevant variable, in this case :data:`args.verbosity`, is
+   given ``None`` as a value, which is the reason it fails the truth
+   test of the :keyword:`if` statement.
+#. The help message is a bit different.
+#. When using the ``--verbosity`` option, one must also specify some value, any
+   value.
+The above example accepts arbitrary integer values for ``--verbosity``, but for
+our simple program, only two values are actually useful, ``True`` or ``False``.
+Let's modify the code accordingly::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbose:
+        print("verbosity turned on")
+And the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py --verbose
+    verbosity turned on
+    $  python3 prog.py --verbose 1
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [--verbose]
+    prog.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 1
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [--verbose]
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+      --verbose   increase output verbosity
+Here is what is happening:
+#. The option is now more of a flag than something that requires a value.
+   We even changed the name of the option to match that idea.
+   Note that we now specify a new keyword, ``action``, and give it the value
+   "store_true". This means that, if the option is specified, assign the value
+   ``True`` to :data:`args.verbose` ``True``. Not specifying it implies
+   ``False``.
+#. It complains when you specify a value, in true spirit of what flags
+   actually are.
+#. Notice the different help text.
+If you are familiar with command line usage, you will notice that I haven't yet
+touched on the topic of short versions of the options. It's quite simple::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbose:
+        print("verbosity turned on")
+And here goes::
+    $ python3 prog.py -v
+    verbosity turned on
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v]
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
+      -v, --verbose  increase output verbosity
+Note that the new ability is also reflected in the help text.
+Combining Positional and Optional arguments
+Our program keeps growing in complexity::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbose:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+And now the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] square
+    prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: square
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 --verbose
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py --verbose 4
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+* We've brought back a positional argument, hence the complaint.
+* As for the fourth output, note that the order does not matter.
+How about we give this program of ours back the ability to have
+multiple verbosity values, and actually get to use them::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", type=int,
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbosity == 2:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity == 1:
+        print("pow({}, 2) == {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+And the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v VERBOSITY] square
+    prog.py: error: argument -v/--verbosity: expected one argument
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v 1
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v 2
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v 3
+    16
+These all look good except the last one, which exposes a bug in our program.
+Let's fix it by restricting the values the ``--verbosity`` option can accept::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2],
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbosity == 2:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity == 1:
+        print("pow({}, 2) == {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+And the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v 3
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v {0,1,2}] square
+    prog.py: error: argument -v/--verbosity: invalid choice: 3 (choose from 0, 
1, 2)
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -h
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v {0,1,2}] square
+    positional arguments:
+      square                display a square of a given number
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -v {0,1,2}, --verbosity {0,1,2}
+                            increase output verbosity
+Note that the change also reflects both in the error message as well as the
+help string.
+Now, let's use a different approach of playing with verbosity, which is pretty
+common. It also matches the way the CPython executable handles its own
+verbosity argument (check the output of `python --help`)::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count",
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbosity == 2:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity == 1:
+        print("pow({}, 2) == {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+We have introduced another action, "count". What it does is keep a count of
+optional arguments::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v 1
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] square
+    prog.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 1
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -v
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -vv
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 --verbosity --verbosity
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -h
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] square
+    positional arguments:
+      square           display a square of a given number
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help       show this help message and exit
+      -v, --verbosity  increase output verbosity
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -vvv
+    16
+* Yes, it's now more of a flag (similar tp `action="store_true"`) in the
+  previous version of our script. That should explain the complaint.
+* See what I mean that it behaves similar to "store_true" action?
+* Now here's a demonstration of what the "count" action gives. You've probably
+  seen this sort of usage before.
+* And, just like the "store_true" action, if you don't specify the `-v` flag,
+  that flag is considered to have ``None`` value.
+* As should be expected, specifying the long form of the flag, we should get
+  the same output.
+* Sadly, our help output isn't very informative on the new ability our script
+  has acquired, but that can always be fixed by improving the documentation for
+  out script (e.g. via the `help` keyword argument).
+* That's a bug in our program.
+Let's fix::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count",
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbosity >= 2:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity >= 1:
+        print("pow({}, 2) == {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+And this is what it gives::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -vvv
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 -vvvv
+    the square of 4 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "prog.py", line 11, in <module>
+        if args.verbosity >= 2:
+    TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() >= int()
+* First output went as well, and fixes the bug we had before. That is, to avoid
+  such problems, do `>=` checks in future, not `==`.
+* Third output not so good
+Let's fix that bug::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("square", type=int,
+                        help="display a square of a given number")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0,
+                        help="increase output verbosity")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.square, 2)
+    if args.verbosity >= 2:
+        print("the square of {} equals {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity >= 1:
+        print("pow({}, 2) == {}".format(args.square, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+We've just introduced yet another keyword, `default`. We've set it to `0` in
+order to make it comparable to the other int values. Remember that by
+default, if an optional argument isn't specified, it gets the `None` value, and
+that cannot be compared to an int value (hence the :exc:`TypeError` exception).
+    $ python3 prog.py 4
+    16
+You can go quite far just with what we've learned so, and we have only
+scratched the surface. The :mod:`argparse` module is excessively powerful, and
+we'll explore a bit more of it before we end this tutorial.
+Getting a little more advanced
+What if we wanted to expand our tiny program to perform other powers, not
+just 2::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("power", type=int, nargs=2)
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.power[0], args.power[1])
+    if args.verbosity >= 2:
+        print("{} to the power {} equals {}".format(args.power[0], 
args.power[1], answer))
+    elif args.verbosity >= 1:
+        print("pow({}, {}) == {}".format(args.power[0], args.power[1], answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+    $ python3 prog.py
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] power power
+    prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: power
+    $ python3 prog.py -h
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] power power
+    positional arguments:
+      power
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help       show this help message and exit
+      -v, --verbosity
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -vv
+    4 to the power 2 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -vvv
+    4 to the power 2 equals 16
+We introduced yet another keyword argument, ``nargs``. It helps us specify
+how many arguments are expected for a given command line option, which is
+2 in this case.
+As you can see, the help text could be a little better than what it is
+(``usage: prog.py [-h] [-v {0,1,2}] power power``). Let's fix it::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("x", type=int, help="the 'x' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("y", type=int, help="the 'y' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.x, args.y)
+    if args.verbosity >= 2:
+        print("{} to the power {} equals {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+    elif args.verbosity >= 1:
+        print("pow({}, {}) == {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+    else:
+        print(answer)
+    $ python3 prog.py
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] x y
+    prog.py: error: the following arguments are required: x, y
+    $ python3 prog.py -h
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] x y
+    positional arguments:
+      x                the 'x' in x^y
+      y                the 'y' in x^y
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help       show this help message and exit
+      -v, --verbosity
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v 1
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v] x y
+    prog.py: error: argument -v/--verbosity: ignored explicit argument '1'
+That looks much better, and the last example serves as a reminder that this
+is pretty much a flag, removing the need to provide values.
+Notice that so far we've been using verbosity level to *change* the text
+that gets displayed. The following example instead uses verbosity level
+to display *more* text instead::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("x", type=int, help="the 'x' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("y", type=int, help="the 'y' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.x, args.y)
+    if args.verbosity >= 2:
+        print("Running '{}'".format(__file__))
+    if args.verbosity >= 1:
+        print("pow({}, {}) == ".format(args.x, args.y), end="")
+    print(answer)
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -vv
+    Running 'prog.py'
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+So far, we have been working with two methods of an
+:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance. Let's introduce a third one,
+``add_mutually_exclusive_group``. It allows for us to specify options that
+conflict with each other. Let's also change the rest of the program make the
+new functionality makes more sense::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
+    group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument("x", type=int, help="the 'x' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("y", type=int, help="the 'y' in x^y")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.x, args.y)
+    if args.quiet:
+        print(answer)
+    elif args.verbose:
+        print("{} to the power {} equals {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+    else:
+        print("pow({}, {}) == {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+Our program is now simpler, and we've lost some functionality for the sake of
+demonstration. Anyways, here's the output::
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2
+    pow(4, 2) == 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -q
+    16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v
+    4 to the power 2 equals 16
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -vq
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v | -q] x y
+    prog.py: error: argument -q/--quiet: not allowed with argument -v/--verbose
+    $ python3 prog.py 4 2 -v --quiet
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v | -q] x y
+    prog.py: error: argument -q/--quiet: not allowed with argument -v/--verbose
+That should be easy to follow. I've added that last output so you can see the
+sort of flexibility you get, i.e. mixing long form options with short form
+Before we conclude, you probably want to tell your users the main purpose of
+your program, just in case they don't know::
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="calculate X to the power of 
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
+    group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument("x", type=int, help="the 'x' in x^y")
+    parser.add_argument("y", type=int, help="the 'y' in x^y")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    answer = pow(args.x, args.y)
+    if args.quiet:
+        print(answer)
+    elif args.verbose:
+        print("{} to the power {} equals {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+    else:
+        print("pow({}, {}) == {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
+Which outputs::
+    $ python3 prog.py --help
+    usage: prog.py [-h] [-v | -q] x y
+    calculate X to the power of Y
+    positional arguments:
+      x              the 'x' in x^y
+      y              the 'y' in x^y
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
+      -v, --verbose
+      -q, --quiet
+Note that slight difference in the usage text. Note the `[-v | -q]`, which
+tells us that we can either use `-v` or `-q`, but not both at the same time.
+There's lots more to the module of course, things like customising
+the help message, or simply disabling its getting generated.
+You can also force optional arguments to be required, or even change the
+character used to denote them (e.g. ``+v`` instead of ``-v``).
+Have a look at the API docs.
+They are quite detailed and thorough, and full of examples. I hope that
+having gone through this tutorial, you will easily digest them
+without feeling overwhelmed.
diff --git a/Doc/howto/index.rst b/Doc/howto/index.rst
--- a/Doc/howto/index.rst
+++ b/Doc/howto/index.rst
@@ -27,4 +27,5 @@
+   argparse.rst
diff --git a/Doc/library/argparse.rst b/Doc/library/argparse.rst
--- a/Doc/library/argparse.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/argparse.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
 **Source code:** :source:`Lib/argparse.py`
+.. sidebar:: Tutorial
+   This page contains the API reference information. For a more gentle
+   introduction to Python command line parsing, have a look at the
+   :ref:`Basic Tutorial <argparse-howto>`.
 The :mod:`argparse` module makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line
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