Kristján Valur Jónsson <> added the comment:

Jim: The edge case of collecting an object that is alone in a cycle is 
something that isn't handled.  I'm also not sure that it is worth doing or even 
safe or possible.  but that is beside the point and not the topic of this patch.

Martin: This patch is formalizing a known fact about cpython objects, albeit an 
uncommon one:  Some objects with finalizers can be safely collected if they are 
in a certain state.  The canonical example is the PyGeneratorObject.  
gccollect.c has special code for this type and there is a special evil API 
exposed to deal with the case.

_This patch is not changing any behaviour._  Generator objects that are in a 
special state of existance cannot be collected.  Rather, they are (and always 
have been) put in gc.garbage along with the rest of their cycle chain.  In 
other cases, the finalizer causes no side effects and simply clearing them is 
ok.  I couldn't tell you what those generator execution states are, but the 
fact is that they exist.

A similar problem exists in Stackless python with tasklets.  We solved it in 
this generic way there rather than add more exceptional code to gcmodule.c and 
this patch is the result of that work.  In Stackless, the inverse is true:  An 
object without an explicit finalizer can still be unsafe to collect, because 
the tp_dealloc can do evil things, but doesn't always, depending on object 

So, objects who change their mind about whether they can be collected or not 
are a fact of life in python.  Yes, even cPython.  This patch aims to formalize 
that fact and give it an interface, rather than to have special code for 
generator objects in gcmodule.c and an inscrutable API exposed 

About reusing the slot:  Slots are a precious commodity in python.  This 
particular slot is undocumented and used only for one known thing:  To 
distinguish PyTypeObjects from PyHeapTypeObjects.  In fact, creating a slot and 
not using special case code (like they did for PyGeneratorObjects) was forward 
thinking, and I'm trying to build on that.  Renaming the slot is a fine idea.

A brief search on google code (and google at large) showed no one using this 
slot.  It is one of those undocumented strange slots that one just initializes 
to 0.


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