New submission from Bob Kline:

I have attached a patch which adds partial documentation for the done
attribute of the cgi.FieldStorage class.  This addition is needed in
order to make it safe to rely on the current behavior of the class,
which sets this attribute to the value -1 when an uploaded file from a
CGI form does not arrive intact.

If I have sufficient free time to do so at some point in the future, I
would like to submit a more extensive modification for the module's
documentation, using a format which matches that used for most of the
other modules (that is, including documentation of all of the methods
and attributes intended for public use), and I'd be inclined to modify
the module itself, to use a less opaque approach for conveying
the failure than the 'done' attribute.  I'd want some indication that
there was a reasonable chance that if I were to invest the work on this
improvement the results would actually be used (I see my latest patch
for the module has been languishing in the 'ignored' pile for over a
year).  If anyone else is doing some overhaul work in this area, please
speak up so we don't end up with duplication of effort.

I would think that this module would be one of the most commonly used in
the entire Python library, and would thus warrant careful maintenance
(including addressing all of the "XXX let's fix this ..." comments.


components: Documentation
files: cgi.rst.diff
messages: 55975
nosy: bkline
severity: normal
status: open
title: Documentation for done attribute of FieldStorage class
type: rfe

--- cgi.rst	2007-09-17 13:40:51.000000000 -0400
+++ cgi.rst-20070917	2007-09-17 14:57:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@
            if not line: break
            linecount = linecount + 1
+If an error is encountered when obtaining the contents of an uploaded file
+(for example, when the user interrupts the form submission by clicking on
+a Back or Cancel button) the :attr:`done` attribute of the object for the
+field will be set to the value -1.
 The file upload draft standard entertains the possibility of uploading multiple
 files from one field (using a recursive :mimetype:`multipart/\*` encoding).
 When this occurs, the item will be a dictionary-like :class:`FieldStorage` item.
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