New submission from Hynek Schlawack <>:

After having been called out on wrong default arg notation in one of my patches 
(eg. function:: copyfile(src, dst[, symlinks=False])), I've done a "grep -RPi 
"\[\w+=" Doc/library" and fixed the cases I've found – many of them sadly from 
myself (all the symlinks=False ones). ;)

The patch is against tip, I'd back port it to 3.2 if the contents is okay (and 
do it for 2.7 too, there's a lot of this errors there, I suppose docs fixes are 
okay for 2.7?).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: doc-default-args.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 160599
nosy: docs@python, eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, hynek
priority: low
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Wrong defaults args notation in docs
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
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