New submission from Larry Hastings <>:

Serhiy Storchaka suggested (in private email, not on tracker or python-dev): 
why not make follow_symlinks and effective_ids failover where possible?

Let's take the example of effective_ids first, that's simpler.  Let's say the 
user calls
  os.access("x", os.F_OK, effective_ids=True)
But they doesn't have faccessat() for some reason.  IF euid==uid, and 
egid==gid, then it's harmless to ignore the effective_ids flag and just use 
normal access().

Supporting this is easy: if effective_ids=True, and !defined(HAVE_FACCESSAT), 
but we have all four of the get{e|}{u|g}id() functions, do the above comparison 
and if it is just call access().

It's a bit more complicated with follow_symlinks.  Let's say they call
  os.chmod("x", 0o644, follow_symlinks=False)
As it happens, they're on Linux so they don't have lchmod() and their 
fchmodat() doesn't support AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW.  But!  "x" isn't a symbolic 
link!  In this case normal chmod would be fine fine.

How do we detect that the file is a symbolic link?  That's easy, call lstat().  
On Windows, if they gave us a wide path, call win32_lstat_w().  If they passed 
in a non-default dir_fd, call fstatat() (if available).

The one place where we can't fail over gracefully: os.stat()  If we don't have 
the appropriate native stat function (lstat or fstatat), then obviously we 
can't stat nofollow the file to see if it's not a symbolic link and call normal 
stat().  Sad face.

The attached patch implements all of the above.  It passes the regression test 
suite on Linux 64-bit (with and without pydebug) and Windows 32-bit (Debug and 

assignee: larry
keywords: patch
messages: 163713
nosy: georg.brandl, larry, pitrou, storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Add failover for follow_symlinks and effective_ids where possible
type: behavior
Added file:

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