New submission from Mark <>:

Consider the following code:

from thread import start_new
def f(): typo #there is no variable called typo
start_new(f, ())

If run from the command line, this produces a traceback.  If run from IDLE, it 
does not.  I suspect this is not by design.  This caused me endless grief in 
debugging until one happy day I discovered the traceback module.  I now write:

from thread import start_new
from traceback import print_exc
def f():
 try: typo
 except: print_exc()
start_new(f, ())

this works, but I wish I didn't need it.

components: IDLE
messages: 164718
nosy: Mark
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Idle does not show traceback in other threads
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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