Eric Snow <> added the comment:

Importers are a PEP 302 API.  In the context of pkgutil, they are path hooks 
(see, aka path importers.  A 
path hook is a callable that takes a path and returns a finder.  Path hooks are 
stored in sys.path_hooks and the finder resulting from a matching path importer 
is stored in sys.path_importer_cache.

pkgutil also refers to PEP 302 finders as "importers".  To be honest, the 
import-related nomenclature is a mess.

While you can use pkgutil.ImpImporter as a path hook, instances can also be 
used as metapath hooks; if you don't pass anything to ImpImporter, the 
resulting object acts more like a PEP 302 metapath hook that wraps the 
"default" import process.

(See Lib/

nosy: +eric.snow

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