Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Thanks Martin. I was thinking of adding special-casing inside the rpcproxy 
class, but the wrapping is pretty clean and clear. Works great in 3.3 Win7-64.

The 2.7 message 'expected a character buffer object' is technically correct*, 
but opaque, especially to beginners. I actually prefer the 3.x style message, 
except that 'str' should be expanded to 'string'. (We especially should not say 
'character buffer object' until we test for exactly that.)

*My impression is that 2.7 unicode is not a character buffer object, but gets 
auto converted to str/bytes, which is.

On the technically correct front, bytearray in 2.7 is a character buffer object 
that .write() can write, but it is not a subclass of basestring. So the widened 
test in the followup patch
should be widened further.

-        if not isinstance(s, basestring):
-             raise TypeError('must be str, not ' + type(s).__name__)

+        if not isinstance(s, (basestring, bytearray)):
+             raise TypeError('must be string, not ' + type(s).__name__)

Are there any other 'character buffer' classes that should be included? What 
*is* the test that 2.7 .write() uses to determine what is such? Can it even be 
written in Python (rather than C)?


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