New submission from Dave Abrahams:

This session demonstrates. See especially the very last expression evaluated

>>> s='''this is the end
s='''this is the end
... your only friend
your only friend
... the end'''
the end'''
>>> re.split('^', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('^', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('t', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('t', s, re.MULTILINE)
['', 'his is ', 'he end\nyour only friend\n', 'he end']
>>> re.split('\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end', 'your only friend', 'the end']
>>> re.split('(?<=\n)', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('(?<=\n)', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('^y', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('^y', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('$', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('$', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('$\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('$\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('\n', s, re.MULTILINE)
['this is the end', 'your only friend', 'the end']
>>> re.split('^t', s, re.MULTILINE)
re.split('^t', s, re.MULTILINE)
['', 'his is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']
>>> re.split('^t', s)
re.split('^t', s)
['', 'his is the end\nyour only friend\nthe end']

components: Regular Expressions
messages: 167224
nosy: dabrahams, ezio.melotti, mrabarnett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: re.split doesn't respect MULTILINE
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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