New submission from Trent Nelson:

Both of my FreeBSD ZFS slaves (8.2 and 9.1) have chflags tests failing as 

ERROR: test_chflags (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 350, in test_chflags
    self._test_chflags_regular_file(posix.chflags, support.TESTFN)
 line 337, in _test_chflags_regular_file
    chflags_func(target_file, st.st_flags | stat.UF_IMMUTABLE)
OSError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported: '@test_48794_tmp'

ERROR: test_lchflags_regular_file (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 354, in test_lchflags_regular_file
    self._test_chflags_regular_file(posix.lchflags, support.TESTFN)
 line 337, in _test_chflags_regular_file
    chflags_func(target_file, st.st_flags | stat.UF_IMMUTABLE)
OSError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported: '@test_48794_tmp'

ERROR: test_lchflags_symlink (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 367, in test_lchflags_symlink
    dummy_symlink_st.st_flags | stat.UF_IMMUTABLE)
OSError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported: 


>From the FreeBSD chflags(1) manual page:

     The flags are specified as an octal number or a comma separated list of
     keywords.  The following keywords are currently defined:

           arch, archived
                   set the archived flag (super-user only)

           opaque  set the opaque flag (owner or super-user only)

           nodump  set the nodump flag (owner or super-user only)

           sappnd, sappend
                   set the system append-only flag (super-user only)

           schg, schange, simmutable
                   set the system immutable flag (super-user only)

           sunlnk, sunlink
                   set the system undeletable flag (super-user only)

           uappnd, uappend
                   set the user append-only flag (owner or super-user only)

           uchg, uchange, uimmutable
                   set the user immutable flag (owner or super-user only)

           uunlnk, uunlink
                   set the user undeletable flag (owner or super-user only)

That indicates only root can set the immutable flag -- but if this were the 
case, I wonder why none of the other FreeBSD build slaves have run into it?

Either way, placeholder issue until I can spend some more time on it.

assignee: trent
components: Tests
messages: 168730
nosy: trent
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Various chflags tests failing on FreeBSD/ZFS
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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