Ezio Melotti added the comment:

IMHO a setattr-like API seems the obvious choice here, so that's what I would 
expect.  I haven't used mock, so I wasn't familiar with mock.patch, but after 
skimming through the mock docs a bit I think I have to agree with Julian and 
In addition, I'm not sure we need TestCase.patch now that we have already have 
mock.patch(.object) in the stdlib.  If we still add it, it would probably make 
more sense as a "vanilla" patch that doesn't depend on mock.

> a helper TestCase.patch should delegate to unittest.mock.patch

Does it mean it will return MagicMocks?

> patch.object would have worked as well, but it's longer to type

If mock.patch requires a FQN to work the call might even be longer:
patch('package.subpackage.module.function') vs
patch.object(module, 'function', newfunc)
(assuming "from package.subpackage import module", which is not uncommon if we 
are testing that specific module)

> What about patch_object()?



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