Yury Selivanov added the comment:

> If the issue with patch is closed as duplicate, the patch should be attached 
> to the superseder.

Attached now.  Although, please don't use it.  I'll upload an updated version 

> The patch looks awfully long for such a simple option list. (e.g., 
> get_version() is just lambda x: x[:3], no need for a function to do that.)

Well, I've tried to make it readable.  I can uglify it, but it won't save too 
much.  Right now it's about ~2.5kb.

> Please make it configurable, as indicated. You can add an option recognized 
> by Sphinx in Doc/tools/sphinxext/pyspecific.py, with app.add_config_value.  I 
> will then set it properly in the script that rebuilds the docs on 
> docs.python.org.

Is it OK if I make it configurable via theme config property?
And if not - how to make a config option declared via 'app.add_config_value' 
accessible in templates?

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27736/py3_version_switch.patch

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