New submission from Tshepang Lekhonkhobe:

I am running Debian 7, which has sphinx is1.1.3+dfsg-4.

When I run

$ python tools/ -bhtml . build/

I get a whole bunch of errors:

Making output directory...
Running Sphinx v1.1.3
loading pickled environment... not yet created
building [html]: targets for 435 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 435 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] whatsnew/index                                        
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/c-api/arg.rst:47: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   For all ``#`` variants of formats (``s#``, ``y#``, etc.), the type of
   the length argument (int or :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`) is controlled by
   defining the macro :c:macro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN` before including
   :file:`Python.h`.  If the macro was defined, length is a
   :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` rather than an :c:type:`int`. This behavior will change
   in a future Python version to only support :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` and
   drop :c:type:`int` support. It is best to always define 
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/c-api/init.rst:547: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   When only the main thread exists, no GIL operations are needed. This is a
   common situation (most Python programs do not use threads), and the lock
   operations slow the interpreter down a bit. Therefore, the lock is not
   created initially.  This situation is equivalent to having acquired the lock:
   when there is only a single thread, all object accesses are safe.  Therefore,
   when this function initializes the global interpreter lock, it also acquires
   it.  Before the Python :mod:`_thread` module creates a new thread, knowing
   that either it has the lock or the lock hasn't been created yet, it calls
   :c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads`.  When this call returns, it is guaranteed that
   the lock has been created and that the calling thread has acquired it.

   It is **not** safe to call this function when it is unknown which thread (if
   any) currently has the global interpreter lock.

   This function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile 
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/faq/library.rst:513: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   To read and write binary data, it is mandatory to open the file in
   binary mode (here, passing ``"rb"`` to :func:`open`).  If you use
   ``"r"`` instead (the default), the file will be open in text mode
   and ```` will return :class:`str` objects rather than
   :class:`bytes` objects.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/fractions.rst:93: ERROR: Error in 
"note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note:: From Python 3.2 onwards, you can also construct a
   :class:`Fraction` instance directly from a :class:`float`.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/fractions.rst:102: ERROR: Error in 
"note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note:: From Python 3.2 onwards, you can also construct a
   :class:`Fraction` instance directly from a :class:`decimal.Decimal`
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/getopt.rst:12: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   The :mod:`getopt` module is a parser for command line options whose API is
   designed to be familiar to users of the C :c:func:`getopt` function. Users 
   are unfamiliar with the C :c:func:`getopt` function or who would like to 
   less code and get better help and error messages should consider using the
   :mod:`argparse` module instead.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/io.rst:678: ERROR: Error in "warning" 
invalid option block.

.. warning::
   :class:`BufferedRWPair` does not attempt to synchronize accesses to
   its underlying raw streams.  You should not pass it the same object
   as reader and writer; use :class:`BufferedRandom` instead.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/logging.config.rst:144: ERROR: Error 
in "note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note:: Because portions of the configuration are passed through
   :func:`eval`, use of this function may open its users to a security risk.
   While the function only binds to a socket on ``localhost``, and so does
   not accept connections from remote machines, there are scenarios where
   untrusted code could be run under the account of the process which calls
   :func:`listen`. Specifically, if the process calling :func:`listen` runs
   on a multi-user machine where users cannot trust each other, then a
   malicious user could arrange to run essentially arbitrary code in a
   victim user's process, simply by connecting to the victim's
   :func:`listen` socket and sending a configuration which runs whatever
   code the attacker wants to have executed in the victim's process. This is
   especially easy to do if the default port is used, but not hard even if a
   different port is used). To avoid the risk of this happening, use the
   ``verify`` argument to :func:`listen` to prevent unrecognised
   configurations from being applied.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/logging.config.rst:747: ERROR: Error 
in "note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note:: Due to the use of :func:`eval` as described above, there are
   potential security risks which result from using the :func:`listen` to send
   and receive configurations via sockets. The risks are limited to where
   multiple users with no mutual trust run code on the same machine; see the
   :func:`listen` documentation for more information.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/os.rst:263: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note:: On Mac OS X, :func:`getgroups` behavior differs somewhat from
   other Unix platforms. If the Python interpreter was built with a
   deployment target of :const:`10.5` or earlier, :func:`getgroups` returns
   the list of effective group ids associated with the current user process;
   this list is limited to a system-defined number of entries, typically 16,
   and may be modified by calls to :func:`setgroups` if suitably privileged.
   If built with a deployment target greater than :const:`10.5`,
   :func:`getgroups` returns the current group access list for the user
   associated with the effective user id of the process; the group access
   list may change over the lifetime of the process, it is not affected by
   calls to :func:`setgroups`, and its length is not limited to 16.  The
   deployment target value, :const:`MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET`, can be
   obtained with :func:`sysconfig.get_config_var`.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/pkgutil.rst:148: ERROR: Error in 
"note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note::
   Only works for a :term:`finder` which defines an ``iter_modules()``
   method. This interface is non-standard, so the module also provides
   implementations for :class:`importlib.machinery.FileFinder` and
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/pkgutil.rst:186: ERROR: Error in 
"note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note::
   Only works for a :term:`finder` which defines an ``iter_modules()``
   method. This interface is non-standard, so the module also provides
   implementations for :class:`importlib.machinery.FileFinder` and
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/socket.rst:728: ERROR: Error in 
"note" directive:
invalid option block.

.. note::
   :meth:`close()` releases the resource associated with a connection but
   does not necessarily close the connection immediately.  If you want
   to close the connection in a timely fashion, call :meth:`shutdown()`
   before :meth:`close()`.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/ssl.rst:609: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   To validate a certificate for a particular service, you can use the
   :func:`match_hostname` function.
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/sys.rst:245: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note:: If a :ref:`virtual environment <venv-def>` is in effect, this
   value will be changed in ```` to point to the virtual environment.
   The value for the Python installation will still be available, via
/home/wena/src/python/cpython/Doc/library/test.rst:201: ERROR: Error in "note" 
invalid option block.

.. note::
   :mod:`` is not a public module.  It is documented here to help
   Python developers write tests.  The API of this module is subject to change
   without backwards compatibility concerns between releases.
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] whatsnew/index                                         
writing additional files... genindex py-modindex search download index 
copying images... [100%] library/turtle-star.png                                
copying static files... done
dumping search index... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded, 16 warnings.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 178443
nosy: docs@python, tshepang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: when building docs on Debian 7 --> ERROR: Error in "note" directive
versions: Python 3.4

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