New submission from Jeffrey Armstrong:

On a platform where dynamic loading is unsupported, the function 
"imp_load_dynamic" is not compiled (Python/import.c:1775), and the Python 
function "load_dynamic" (Python/import.c:1845) will not be included in the _imp 
module.  However, Lib/ attempts to import "load_dynamic" from _imp 
(Lib/, causing an ImportError if dynamic loading is unsupported.  

The interpreter is unable to start under these circumstances.  The error was 
encountered on m68k-atari-mint using GCC as the compiler.  This platform is a 
desktop environment, but has no support for true shared objects and libraries.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 179186
nosy: Jeffrey.Armstrong
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Importing "imp" will fail if dynamic loading not supported
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

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