Glyph Lefkowitz added the comment:

On Jan 22, 2013, at 11:39 AM, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:

> Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
> I agree with the idea that the feature set should very limited, actually 
> perhaps more limited than what you just said. For example, I think any kind 
> of implicit str->bytes conversion is a no-no (including the "r" and "a" 
> format codes).

Twisted doesn't particularly need str->bytes conversion in this step, implicit 
or otherwise, so I have no problem with leaving that out.

> Still, IMO even a simple feature set warrants a PEP, because we want to 
> devise something that's generally useful, not just something which makes 
> porting easier for Twisted.

Would it really be so bad to add features that would make porting Twisted 
easier?  Even if you want porting Twisted to be as hard as possible, there are 
plenty of other Python applications that don't use Twisted which nevertheless 
need to emit formatted sequences of bytes.  Twisted itself is a good proxy for 
this class of application; I really don't think that this is overly specific.

> I also kind of expect Twisted to have worked around the issue before 3.4 is 
> out, anyway.

The problem is impossible to work around in the general case.  While we can 
come up with clever workarounds for things internal to buffering 
implementations or our own protocols, Twisted exposes an API that allows third 
parties to write protocol implementations, which quite a few people do.  Every 
one of those implementations (and every one of Twisted's internal 
implementations, none of which are ported yet, just the core) faces a series of 
frustrating implementation choices where the "old" style of b'x' % y or 
b'x'.format(y) resulted in readable, efficient value interpolation into 
protocol messages, but the "new" style of b''.join([b'x1', y_to_bytes(y), 
b'x2']) requires custom functions, inefficient copying, redundant bytes<->text 
transcoding, and harder-to-read protocol framing literals.  This interacts even 
more poorly with oddities like bytes(int) returning zeroes now, so there's not 
even a reasonable 2<->3 compatible way of, say, setting an HTTP content-length 
header; b'Content-
 length: {}\r\n'.format(length) is now b''.join([b'Content-length: ', (bytes if 
bytes is str else str)(length).encode('ascii'), b'\r\n']).

This has negative readability, performance, and convenience implications for 
the code running on both 2.x and 3.x and it would be really nice to see fixed.  
Honestly, it would still be a porting burden to have to use .format(); if you 
were going to do something _specifically_ to help Twisted, the thing to do 
would be to make both .format and .__mod__ work; most of our protocol code 
currently uses % to do its formatting.  However, upgrading to a "modern" API is 
not an insurmountable burden for Twisted, and I can understand the desire to 
trade off that work for the simplicity of having less code to maintain in 
Python core (and less to write for this feature), as long as the "modern" API 
is actually functional enough to make very common operations close to 
equivalently convenient.


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