New submission from Raymond Hettinger:

Condition variables implement a FIFO queue for waiting threads.  The current 
implementation uses a regular Python list but could use a deque instead.

A wait() call appends a new waiter.   A notify() call removes the oldest 
waiter; this is an O(n) operation on list but only an O(1) operation on deques. 
 A notify_all() call is O(n**2) for a list but only O(n) for a deque.

If there is interest in this patch, I can add slicing support to 
collections.deque so that this patch won't need itertools.islice()

files: condition.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 183727
nosy: pitrou, rhettinger
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Use deque instead of list the threading.Condition waiter queue
type: performance
versions: Python 3.4
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