New submission from Georg Brandl:

>From docs@:

The howto-advocacy is interesting.

You might consider removing the following sentences, which I found personally 
gave me a negative impression:

"python hasn't had all the publicity" to my mind gives the impression that 
python is not popular.

"python is definitely not a toy language that only usable for small tasks". 
This gives to me the impression that you feel many people think it is.

Section "who's going to support it?" a company needs to be able to call 
someone, pay for support right now, within one hour, not on a maybe basis. I 
feel either remove this section or suggest links to three companies providing 
python support.

Section "python is freely available , how good can it be?" I felt what I wanted 
to see was not that Linux and apache are good, but why python is good.

I think the advocacy howto was written quite a while ago and could use a 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 186903
nosy: akuchling, docs@python, georg.brandl
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: advocacy howto improvements
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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