STINNER Victor added the comment:

Should we really invest time to fix bugs related to astral (non-BMP) characters 
with rare codecs and error handlers (CJK codecs, xmlcharrefreplace error 
handler)? Python 3.3 is released and has a much better support of astral 
characters (in many places). I don't know for CJK codecs: Python 3.3 still uses 
the legacy Unicode API for CJK codecs and so depend on the wchar_t type (which 
is 16 bits on Windows). I just fixed Python 3.4 to use the new Unicode API (PEP 
393), which always support astral characters support and don't depend on the 
size of the wchar_t type.

I'm not against fixing Python 2.7, I'm just not interested.


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