New submission from Abafei:

It says here 
( that 
some of the set methods take iterables as a parameter.

Usually, the expected behavior is for a iterator consumer to consume only as 
much data as it needs. For example, for the code `any(itertools.repeat(True))`, 
the code will complete speedily, in contrast to when all() is used instead of 
any(), in which case the code will go forever.

A least some of the set methods have semantics such that they can consume only 
some of the input; for example, "issubset" only needs to make sure that all of 
the items in the set are in the iterable, and once this is the case, it can 
return "True".

However in such a case, the methods will *still* go forever.

The docs should specify that this is the case, to disambiguate the semantics.

(Tested on Python 3.2.3 and 2.7.3).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 189806
nosy: Abafei, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: set methods should specify whether they consume iterators "lazily"
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2

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